The Three Billy Goats Gruffs Language Arts 1.1 Listening/speaking/purposes E) listen responsively to stories 1.13 Reading/literary response A) listen to stories being read aloud B) participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned selections are read aloud
These are the three billy goats from the village of gruff. The three billy goats are brothers. There is a youngest brother. There is a middle brother. There is an oldest brother.
One day the three billy goats were out in the forest looking around for some delicious green grass to eat. They could not find any delicious green grass to eat. The three billy goats continued to walk through the forest to look for some delicious green grass.
The goats walked up to the edge of the river. The three billy goats looked across the river and saw an entire field of delicious green grass. The goats saw a bridge crossing the river. The youngest billy goat was so excited that he ran toward the bridge.
A mean troll came out from under the bridge to stop the youngest goat. The troll said “Oh what luck! A billy goat makes the best meal!” The youngest goat cried, “Please don’t eat me Mr. Troll! I have two older brothers that are much bigger than me.” The troll let the youngest goat pass.
The middle brother billy goat watches his younger brother cross the bridge. The middle brother billy goat decides to cross the bridge. The troll said “Oh what luck! A billy goat makes the best breakfast!” The middle goat cried, “Please don’t eat me Mr. Troll! I have an older brother that is much bigger than me.” The troll let the middle brother pass. The mean troll came out from under the bridge to stop the middle brother.
The mean troll came out from under the bridge to stop the oldest billy goat. The troll said, “Finally! I see in front of me the largest billy goat ever! You will make a fine breakfast!” The oldest brother watched his middle brother cross the bridge. He decides to cross the bridge.
The oldest billy goat said, “ Mr. Troll, you don’t want to eat me because I would make a much better friend than a meal.” The troll said “I never thought of that before. We could be friends. I do not really like eating raw billy goat. Plants and berries would make a much better diet for me.”
The three billy goats and their new friend, Mr. T., lived happily ever after in the forest.