LOST By Tayla and Monique
One day, Ashley was very exited because she was going to Melbourne with her mum and dad for clothes for camp.
They were on there way to Melbourne when Ashley got lost. She was scared but right then she remembered that her mum said always to look for a fish.
No mum and dad here So she went to the Aquarium, but no mum and dad there.
Then Ashley went to the Yara river because fish live there. No mum and dad here
So she walked past a birthday party and a girl waved to her she walked over and said “I lost my mum and dad”. ‘’Will you help me find them?” The girl agreed to help. “What's your name?” she asked. “Ashley.” “Oh and have you seen a fish anywhere?” asked Ashley. “No” said Emily. THEN...
A BIG TRAM went past with a fish on it. Ashley saw her Mum walking onto the tram and Ashley hoped on too. Ashley was happy and felt safe again. As the tram moved off she waved to her new friend Emily.