Ms. McCann’s 6 th Grade Study Skills Class Room 217
The object of this class is to prepare students to adjust to middle school and learn how to study for classes in sixth grade and beyond. The following topics will be covered: What type of learner you are Setting goals and achieving them Organizational skills Reading text books Taking and studying notes Writing papers Taking tests
If you follow the responsibilities listed below, along with the rules discussed as a class, we will be sure to have a successful year! Respect one another Come to class on time Be prepared to work hard and learn Ask questions Always try your best!
Be an honest and trustworthy person Treat others the way you would like to be treated Respect the ideas and opinions of those around you Help each other out! Be responsible for your actions, property, and your work
Bring all necessary supplies to class Know your due dates and you will submit all work on time Assignments will be posted on the board and the class website
If the bell rings are you are not in class YOU ARE LATE 1 lateness= warning 2 lateness's= detention 3 lateness's= phone call home Check the Board Work upon entering class Complete this assignment immediately Absences Ask a friend for assignments and check website Each absence has a one day grace period No gum chewing Bathroom and Nurse MUST sign in and out of the room (one at a time)
Class performance…………………………………. 30% Reflection logs……………………………………….. 15% Homework………………………………………………. 10% Projects & Reports…………………………………. 25% Exams…………………………………………………….. 20% Total……………………………………………………..100%
Your class website can be found at
Find someone who… Went on vacation this summer________________ Likes to read________________ Enjoys sports and games________________ Has gone to the beach ________________ Has visited Asia ________________ Uses a computer with internet at home ________________ Enjoys surfing the internet ________________ Has a brother AND sister ________________ Has traveled outside the USA________________ Went to an amusement park________________ Was born in the United States ________________ Visited a museum over the summer ________________ Has a pet________________ Visits the public library ________________ You went to elementary school with________________ Is excited for the 6 th grade! ________________