Connor D, Daniel C, Edward T, Jenna L, Tyler M Professor Junfeng Ma
Background ●23% accidents in US caused by weather ●Drivers’ lack of awareness and precaution. ●6,250 Deaths per year on average
Mission Statement ●Minimize the risk of losing control of one’s vehicle due to slippery road conditions. ●Allow drivers to be as safe as possible in any weather condition.
Slippage ●A car slides when It does not have enough traction on the surface of the road. ●In poor weather conditions a film of water is created on the surface of the pavement which further hinders the cars ability to grip the surface. ●As a car travels faster and more force is applied to the water film, the water further resists displacement which causes vehicles to hydroplane and lose control.
Problem ●People have trouble judging how fast to drive while the surface is wet due to many factors ●Risk Perception ●Different road surfaces
Our Project ●To prevent this, we decided to develop a system that would alert the driver before he or she began to lose control. ●Although there are safety systems such as the ABS which prevent loss of control, these systems are not 100% effective. ●Ounce of prevention, pound of cure
How it works ●Our system will include four parts o Tachometer o Speedometer o Computer o Warning system ●The Tachometer and Speedometer will relay the vehicle’s angular velocity and actual speed to a computer system. ●Then, this system will calculate if a driver is within a safe driving speed ●If they are not, the warning system turns on to create driver awareness.
Rolling Velocity ●A Tachometer is a device which measures the angular velocity of an object which in this case is the crankshaft of the engine. o Angular velocity (ω) is the rate at which an object's angular position is changing as it moves around a circle. ●However, what we need is rolling velocity (V r ) o This is obtained by multiplying the angular velocity by the radius of circle. V r = ω * r
Sliding Velocity ●The rolling velocity is a measurement of what the cars speed should be without loss due to sliding velocity (V s ) ●Sliding velocity is the velocity the car has as it slides without the rotation of the wheel. o This value is calculated by subtracting the actual velocity of the car from the rolling velocity V s = V r - V
Slide to Roll Ratio ●The reason we need these values is to calculate the Slide to Roll ratio. ●The slide to roll ratio is a percentage of the amount of slip the car is experiencing. ●With this we can determine when a car is about to lose control V s / V r
Slip graph ● We determine this by creating a “coefficient of friction vs. slide to roll ratio” graph. ● As you can see, after a certain point ( the peak) the car has too much slip and it quickly loses traction.
The Computer ●All of these calculations will be done by a program ●When the computer recognizes that the car is reaching a dangerous slide to roll ratio (around 0.1 for wet conditions) it will activate the warning system.
The Warning ●The warning system will be comprised of light on the dashboard and a brief sound which will call to the drivers attention. ●When it comes on, it means that the driver needs to slow down to prevent loss of control.
Picking a concentration ●Safe ●Green ●Connected
Selection process ●Group discussions ●Research on products already out there ●Checking certain ideas with patents ●Trying to talk to experts
Beginning Stages ●Start with identifying ways to prevent slippage/increase traction ●Ensure that whatever we come up with is still safe and affordable to the common driver ●Finding out what was already on the market to prevent copyright infringement
First Layer Customer Needs User Friendly PracticalSustainableAestheticsTotalWeighting User Friendly Practical Sustainable Aesthetics Total
Second Layer Needs ConcealedSafeRemo vable TotalWeighti ng Concealed Safe Removable Total User Friendly Practical DurableWater Proof Diff. size cars LightTotalWeighting Durable Water Proof Diff. Size Cars Light Total Visually Appealin g CompactAerodynami c TotalWeighting Visuallly Appealing Comoact Aerodynaic Total Aesthetics Sustainable Envi. FriendlyCost EfficientTotalWeighting Envi. Friendly Cost Efficient Total
Customer Needs Hierarchy 1. User-Friendly (.33) 1.1. Concealed (.0792) 1.2 Safe (.2013) 1.3 Removable (.0495) 2. Practical (.33) 2.1 Durable (.1089) 2.2 Water-proof (.1089) 2.3 Fits different size cars (.0551) 2.4 Light (.0551) 3.Sustainable (.167) 3.1 Environmentally friendly (.0551) 3.2 Cost-efficient (.1119) 4.Aesthetics (.167) 4.1 Visually Appealing (.0267) 4.2 Compact (.0518) 4.3 Aerodynamic (.0885)
Concept Generation ●Tribometer ●Tachometer and warning system
Concept Generation Warning System Various ways to warn person ●Display on a visual screen ●Warning light ●Audio ●Combination of any of them
Final Design
Problems Faced ●Not possible to calculate the friction of a moving vehicle o Make it harder to calculate when the vehicle would lose control ●Getting in touch with experts ●Coming up with an idea
What We’ve Learned ●It is possible to determine when a vehicle will slip ●Impossible to calculate friction on moving surface
Sources ntensity&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Wox_VKHEF4mpyATJioGYBQ&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=how%20t o%20calculate%20the%20Friction%20Power%20Intensity&f=false Pictures: & m=bv ,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNHCcOWZx9iCyS9AlVSQngnc90LdyA&ust= wreck.jpg