Karen Williams was flying to visit family. Her plane taxied and was waiting behind another plane. Then another plane landed into the two waiting planes. Almost 1000 people are strewn across three acres Karen is hurt bad. Doctors are shocked by her injuries. But only 5 doctors to treat 1000, they must be treated in order of seriousness of injury. So she is left to die
We might say: "what a hardened man." How cruel – Some say, "I could never gaze into the eyes of a dying person, know they were dying, and walk away without doing what I could." Yet we do it everyday. Everyday we gaze into the eyes of the dying. We are terminal. So don't say I couldn't do it, because we do it every day.
EVERY DAY PEOPLE ARE LEFT TO DIE: – Don't we decide who deserves life saving attention We violate the last command of our Lord Mk 16:15,16 We fail to follow the example of the early church Acts 8:4; Col 1:23 You would think we dealt out salvation 1Cor 3:6; Acts 2:47
EVERY DAY PEOPLE ARE LEFT TO DIE: – The soul is more important that the flesh Eccl 12:7; Matt 10:28 – Sometimes we reject those we love the most Acts 10:24; 16:14,15, 25,33
THE REAL REASON THE LOST STAY LOST – Yes, sometimes despite our best efforts some will not listen, but let's be sure we put forth our best effort – Sometimes we're not converted ourselves 2Cor 4:13,14; 1Cor 9:16; Matt 6:33 – Content to remain helpless and unarmed Heb 5:12-14; Matt 15:14; 1Pet 3:15
THE REAL REASON THE LOST STAY LOST – We are in the dark about the power source Excuses often given: "I'm not good enough."... why aren't you? "I don't know enough."... why don't you? "They will never accept it."... Who says? – The power is not in the messenger 1Cor 3:6,7; but in the message Rom 1:16; 1Cor 1:18,21
THE REAL REASON THE LOST STAY LOST – We are not qualified to decide who will die Christ is the great physician Matt 9:10-12 Only God can look into the heart of men 1Sam 16:7
Karen lay there on the concrete and died watching the few running around trying to figure out what to do, standing around with their hands folded – Spectators looked on with hands folded and wouldn't offer to help only criticized those trying to help; complaining about the incompetence of the few – They agreed it was a terrible tragedy
Millions of souls will die lost unnecessarily – Spectators in the church with their hands folded, complain about the slow progress. – They complain about the incompetence of those trying to save the lost and dying. – They agree sin is rampant, but that's as far as it goes, yet sin is casting folks into hell.
Remember Jesus said: "The fields are already white unto harvest." Jhn 4:35