The opening of KSMI in 1950 y. Lecture № 44
Brief contents 1. Development of soviet medicine in Karaganda.
One of the first doctors in territory of modern Karaganda area was G One of the first doctors in territory of modern Karaganda area was G. Niyazbekov, he finished Omsk medical institute in 1900. He rendered the therapeutic and surgical aid, he was engaged in health protection of women and children, and distributed patients the medicines. The significant role belongs to the professional revolutionary and medical assistant.
On May, 20th, 1930 in the composition of explorer expedition generated in Moscow by K.O.Gorbachev (in the subsequent the first head of trust Karagandaugol(coal) the first doctors G.N.Alalykin, Y.F.Alalykina, L.G.Livas arrived to Karaganda. The unique brick one-storied house of 6 rooms was a first-aid post. “The red hospital” – such it was called by people.
G.N.Alalykin played the great role in becoming of surgical service in Karaganda. In the time of GPWar he was the adviser of all evacuation hospitals of Karaganda. Y.F.Alalykina rendered the therapeutic help, accepted deliveries, and took sanitary-educational work..
Pospelov Peter Moiseyevich (1903 – 1985) Since 1933 more than 6 years he was the head physician and manager of hospital’s department of the second mine in Karaganda. In September, 1939 he has been appointed by manager of regional public health department. He had dream about opening of high school in Karaganda, he could prove the necessity of institute’s opening and his dream became true in 1950.
P.M. Pospelov was the first rector of Karaganda state medical institute. He was given rank “Honored doctor of Republic” in 1943year. Being the rector of KSMI since 1950 till 1974, his life was devoted to the development of institute, the opening of the next faculties.
The first faculties of KGMI Medical Pediatrics Sanitary-hygienic
He defended the thesis on theme “Industrial traumatism on Karaganda mines and its analysis for period of 1941-1950”. He was founder and head of department of social medicine since 1953 till 1984. All his life he many researched on study of natural and healing resources of Central Kazakhstan. He developed sanitary-hygienic characteristics of Kharakaralinsk, it was opened recreation zones in Kharakarlinsk, Topar.
He was awarded by Lenin’s orders, “Red Star”, “Honour sign”, and medals. In his memory and respect P.M.Pospelov became freeman (honourable citizen) of Karaganda in 1973.
Thank you for the your attention!