The MILGRAM Experiment Molly Marshall
Milgram's Question... Why do we obey authority? What conditions foster obedience? What conditions foster independent behaviour?
Milgram’s method A LAB experiment at YALE University A self selecting sample –(answered advertisements) year old men They were paid $4 for one hour
The Procedure The participant was paired with a colleague of Milgram (the stooge) Thought they were taking part in an experiment on Memory / Learning Electric Shock machine –slight/severe/danger: severe shock Volts ranged between volts
The Procedure The participant (teacher) given a mild electric shock Then stooge wired up to the electric shock machine in next room The experiment began
The TASK Teacher read series of word pairs –e.g. blue sky, green grass, red balloon – Learner had to memorise these Teacher then reads out one word –e.g. Green ….. Learner to respond with the ‘pair match’
If a mistake was made Teacher told to give electric shock to learner Rising by 15 volts each mistake from 15 volts to 450 volts
What happened? The participants shook, trembled, and sweated They were pressed to continue –“You must go on” –“The experiment is important” –“Please continue|” Read this up in any general text e.g. R Gross, The Science of Mind & Behaviour FOR MORE INFO...
What happened? The learner shouted and yelled He could be heard through the wall He remained silent after 300 volts
How many went to 450 volts? 65% of participants went to 450 volts! They would have followed orders and Killed the stooge for making too many mistakes!
Remembering Methodology …. What was the dependent variable? –The DV –The level of shock the participant stopped at!
Was this experiment ethical? What do you think? IF YOU WERE A MEMBER OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE Would you let Milgram do it again?
Did the ends justify the means? Was the knowledge gained worth the pain of the participants? How can we decide this question?