By Kevin evora ♫
Ergonomics is the study of work, it is the science of fitting jobs to the people who work in them. Making sure the job fits the worker can help reduce ergonomic stress on the worker since the worker can do a job they like. What is ergonomics
good ergonomic/what you should do this picture explains how you should have your head, neck, elbows, chair, document holder, keyboard, mouse, chair height all in one ►►►►
side picture for you.
bad ergonomic/what you should do You should not be doing what this man is doing you could get injured, this man would most likely get back pain.
types of ergonomics 1. Physical- human body reaction to physical work load 2. Cognitive- deals with the mental processes of humans during work 3. Organizational- deals with the organizational structures, policies in the work environment. 4. Reactive- when something needs to get fix. 5. productive-seeking area that can be improved
Three most likely pain injures One is back pain when your not siting good on your chair, neck pain happens when your neck is not in good height, wrist pain happens when your wrist is not the same height as the keyboard.
Other injuries that might happen Other injuries that might happen to you are shoulders, fingers and hands, muscles.
Benefits of workplace ergonomic 1.Ergonomic reduce cost 2.Quality improvement 3.Productivity improvement 4.Employee engagement 5.Better safety culture
ergonomics, end