Conditions & Infections
Caused by sensitivity to allergens Bronchospasms occur S&S ◦ Tightness of chest ◦ Dyspnea ◦ Wheezing Tx ◦ Bronchodilator
Inflammation of the bronchi Acute ◦ Bacteria ◦ S&S = Cough/Chest pain/Fever/Dyspnea ◦ Tx regime ? Chronic (long term inflammation = damaged cilia) ◦ Smoking ◦ S&S = Excessive mucus/Wheezing/Dyspnea ◦ Tx = Bronchodilator
Viral infection of Upper Respiratory System Incubation = 1-4 days Infectious = day before S&S – 7 days S&S = Aches/Cough/Fever/Runny nose/Sore throat Tx regime ?
Inflammation of the Larynx (Vocal Cords) Caused by overuse / virus S&S = Loss of voice/difficulty swallowing/sore throat Tx regime?
Infection of the lungs Caused by bacteria/virus/chemicals S&S = ◦ Fever ◦ Chest pain ◦ Dyspnea ◦ Fatigue ◦ Inflammation of lungs & bronchi Tx = Depends on the cause
Viral infection known as “common cold” (200 varieties) S&S – excessive mucus/swelling of membranes/cough Tx regime ?
Highly contagious bacterial disease – (6-10 wks) Causes violent coughing with a deep “whooping” sound when taking a breath S&S = Similar to the common cold (severe coughing after 10 days) Tx = Antibiotics/Oxygen/Fluids
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Severe pneumonia caused by virus S&S = Cough/Dyspnea/Fever/Headache/Muscle aches Tx – Antiviral/Oxygen/Steroids (high dose)