Myrna Bentley President, CEO
Leadership... Stepping up to the Challenge
Leadership Defined Variety of perspectives on leadership Need to identify what leadership means to you
Why Leadership Strategies? Co-operative Trust in 1997: Co-operative Trust needed to be revitalized Lots of opportunities, but risk averse Back seat player in the industry Strong team, but not empowered
Leadership Strategies Create Good Pictures... Vision Agree on your Principles... Principle Based Leadership Leaders have Willing Followers... Lead with Passion
VISION Create Good Pictures! Create Good Pictures!
Vision It’s not just about one vision Pictures facilitate a common understanding There are many opportunities to use pictures
How To Create Good Pictures Develop the image / words Singular clarity of purpose A vision should be tested Is it authentic / meaningful Does the vision inspire
Communicating Your Vision Message must be consistent Deliver the message with conviction and passion Beyond verbalizing - “live the vision”
Vision Are all Leaders born Visionaries? Creating good pictures and communicating them takes effort and practice!
Principle Based Leadership Agree on Your Principles ! Agree on Your Principles !
Principle Based Leadership A foundation of common beliefs Progress - not perfection Agree on your leadership principles Organizational Success
Leadership Guiding Principles Cultivate... a Legacy of Leaders Identify Leadership Principles Implement Leadership Practices Commitment to long term sustainability and self-sufficiency
Leadership Guiding Principles Honesty Respect Trust Compassion Courage Integrity
Leadership Insight Balance Kindness and Toughness - be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes to principle. Be courteous and polite at all times but never be pushed around. Ensure that you are always treated with respect. Robin Sharma
LEAD WITH PASSION! Leaders Have Willing Followers !
Lead With Passion Focus on people Tools that provide value at a personal level With caring comes willing followers Leadership is about guiding
Supporting Leadership INVESTMENT - time, resources and money EDUCATION - shared understanding of leadership and organizational expectations PLANNING - the path to achieving the Vision
Supporting Leadership BALANCE - personal and corporate Personally, take time for family, fun and YOU! Corporately, find a balance between growth and cost effectiveness.
Leadership Checkpoint Co-operative Trust today: Acknowledged leader in the co-operative financial community Growing reputation in the financial industry Empowered team - Legacy of Leaders Seizing opportunities enthusiastically Significant, positive Progress... not perfection
Leadership Insight Live your VISIONS ….with PASSION …. with PRINCIPLES ….and you will have ….willing followers! Myrna Bentley