Mycobacteria leprae Leprosy (hansens disease) It transmitted from human to human through prolong contact Lesion Tuberculoid leprosy which may develop to lepromtous leprosy: manifested by a nodules in phase and at presure points (knee, elbo) with muliple tropic ulcers and falling down fingers Lesion occurs as a large macules Diffrentiation betwne Tubrecolids: zN negative and lepromintes is positive Lerpmatous : opposite Definition AFB decolorizing agent 5% sulfuric acid, bacilli arranged in bundels, usually intracellular Laboratory identification It is acid fast bacillus No culture It grown on footpads of mice and in armadillo
actinomycosis: Group of filamentous branching gram positive organism that easily fragment into slender rods actionmyces israelii (gram positive dark center area surrounded by gram negative filaments) strict anaerobes is part of normal oral flora Pathogenisis: formation of sinuses full with pus and sulfur granules, affect face neck thoarx, abodomen, pneomoniae diagnosis presence of sulfur granules in darning of pus which is yellowish particles dose not contains sulfur staining with gram or gemsa stain Culture on BHI, BLA, identification of organism by biochemical reactions
nocardia aseroides causes nocardiosis, It causes pneomoinae, skin infection, brain abceses gram positive but irregular staining branching filaments it stained weakly acid fast,Weak acid fas bacillus, resis 1 % sulforic acid as decoolorizing agent,Gram positive branching filaments bacilli may appears beaded culture on blood agar and lg media Culture strike aerobic one weak at 37c
leiogenlla Thin pleomorphic gram negaive sometimes elongated filaments i/2 gram : no decolorizing agent, methlyen and iodine only Silver staining Strong carboulfucins facultative intra cellular parasite that cause primarily respiratory tact infection, it can grow at 25 to 43 c there are 34 species normal habitat water and soil which colonize on cooling towers and water distribution system (habitat) legionella pneumophelia it causes legionnaires disease LD atypical acute lobar pneumonia 60% it is fatal 2-10 days incubation period Pontiac fever influenza like illness self limiting infection within 1-2 days diagnosis specimens Sputum (not a good specimens no human to human ifnection), trans- tracheal aspirate, pleural fluid, blood, biopsy tissue should work on safety cabinets class II
culture using BCYE buffered (ph 6.9) charcoal yeast extract enriched with Lcystine iron and alpha ketoglutarate incubation at 37 c with carbon dioxide no growth on blood agar or cholcholate Broth containing algae or amoebae colonies appears within three days, gray white colonies to blue green glistening convex if u stain with gram stain it is gram negative sometime filamentous other test direct florescent antibodies from speciens radioimmunoassay four fold rise in anti-legionella antibodies DNA prope Weakly catalase positive Oxidase variable Treatment,,,,erythromycine