Results of Projected Faculty Life & Work Survey (Pre-course) 19 January 2012 GS 650: Preparing Future Faculty The Graduate School University of Kentucky Facilitating Instructor: Dr. Morris A. Grubbs
In what type(s) of institution do you prefer to work? Community College1929% Research University1827% Small Private College/University1725% Comprehensive Regional U.913% No preference23% Other23%
What is your ideal balance?
How many courses do you expect to teach per semester? Course amountClass Profile 16 (22%) 210 (37%) 38 (30%) 43 (11%) More than 4- None- On Average, you expect to teach 2.7 Courses.
On a scale from 1 to 10, How appealing would you find... Teaching and Advising Undergraduates8.8 Teaching and Mentoring Master’s Students8.7 Teaching and Mentoring Doctoral Students7.9 Teaching Underprepared Students6.03 Administrative Work (such as department chair, dean, provost, or president) 5.83
How much money do you expect to earn in your first faculty position?
Would you work at a school with a religious affiliation? Yes1343.3% No723.3% Not Sure1033.3%
What has prepared you to be a faculty member?
How do you account for your interest in a faculty career? Being able to teach919.6% The prospect of working closely with students817.4% Example of former instructor/professor /mentor715.2% The academic way of life or environment613% The prospect of sharing my knowledge with others510.9% Research510.9% People outside of academia (industry, family)36.5% My love for learning and studying36.5%
How prepared are you to…? Scale: 1 (Unprepared) - 4 (Very Well Prepared)Average Provide useful feedback to students2.93 Assess student work2.90 Understand student abilities, prep, culture, and differences2.86 Use instructional technology effectively2.63 Teach courses at the institution where you want to work2.56 Do research at the institution where you want to work2.56 Direct student research2.43 Publish research2.40 Successfully present yourself in an academic interview2.33
How prepared are you to…? (Cont.) Develop courses and syllabi2.33 Advise students2.30 Develop job application materials for the institution where you want to work 2.20 Experiment with new types of teaching2.16 Do service at the institution where you want to work2.13 Create a teaching portfolio2.10 Apply for grants2.06 Do university committee work1.96 Participate in faculty governance1.76