Resources Resources Audit Resources Matrix People Matrix Employing People Premises Matrix Equipment Matrix Intellectual Property
Resources Audit (1) One of most valuable resources is people – but other things are needed as well: To ensure that your business is not under- resourced and that these resources are used to the best possible effect you need to invest a little time thinking about them
Resources Audit (2) Make a list of all the resources you think are needed Complete an analysis of all the resources you have available to you Try to match the resources needed with what you have Identify areas in which you are lacking essential resources
Resources Audit (3) Identify resources that you will need to raise externally Calculate what will be cost of getting these resources Identify your choices as accurately as possible
Resources Matrix Resource TypeResources Needed Resources Available What Funds Needed? Money Partners Materials Premises Equipment Other
People Matrix People TypePeople NeededPeople Available What Funds Needed? Management Production Administration Marketing Sales Other
Employing People Statement of Terms and Conditions Statutory Employee Rights Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Premises Matrix Premises Attributes Premises Needed Premises Available What Funds Needed? Location Production area Administration area Management area Sales area Other
Equipment Matrix Equipment Type Equipment Needed Equipment Available What Funds Needed? Production Office Transport Marketing Other
Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Patents Design Protection Trademarks Copyright