LHCPhenoNet in the Horizon LHCPhenoNet Annual Meeting 2-5 December 2013 CERN
Nationality of the 37 ESR/ER so far
Next network wide Events 2 nd Fellow´s meeting at Paris (tbc) Summer school at Debrecen, Jun 2014 Final meeting at Berlin, Nov 2014
Secondments to industry partners Secondments to industry partners coordinated by Johannes Blümlein
Research goal higher order perturbative corrections in the Standard Model and beyond, with emphasis on phenomenology at the LHC, and the development of customized open source software for precision physics and discovery at colliders.
Budget ( ): EUR 5,75 billions
For the younger: apply for individual fellowships For the very experienced: apply as evaluators, call now open
Similar structure, additions ?
Innovative aspects ?
Thanks to Tobias Kasprzik and Matthias Steinhauser