SME Policy Environment
Introduction Goal: To create a favorable regulatory environment for business Main activities: Supporting policy research studies on topics critical to local business competitiveness, and SME growth in particular Sponsoring events to encourage policy dialogues Enhancing policy advocacy of Vietnamese business associations
First Year’s Outcomes 4 national studies and workshops Enterprise Law Investment Telecommunications Land 2 provincial studies and workshops Other studies Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) (In progress)
National Policy Studies Enterprise Law Study: Selected recent international experiences of business regulation reform A reference guide for policy makers, especially on regulatory impact analysis Investment Study Empirical examination Focus on CIT incentives for domestic companies Key finding: estimated redundancy rate across the full sample (83%)
National Policy Studies Telecommunications Study Review of key competition issues in Vietnamese telecom’s sector Focus on licensing, foreign investment (BCC), interconnection and the role of the national regulator (MPT) Land Study Aimed to gather additional input and insight from businesses on the draft implementing decree of the revised Land Law of 2003
Other studies Provincial Competitiveness Index (in progress) A systematic metric for gauging the regulatory environment and overall competitiveness in 46 of Vietnam’s 64 provinces 6 important indicators: Infrastructure, Human capital, Access to land, Information gathering and transaction costs, Access to finance, Dynamism of provincial leadership.