Developing Instructional Leaders in Brevard County
Coaching and Mentoring Build leadership and job-related capacity at every level of the organization.
Teacher Leadership – From PD to Practice B.E.S.T. Analyzing Rubrics Peer Coaching Clinical Educator Training (CET) VIPS CTQ Virtual Collaboratory Build Site-Based Capacity – Teacher led professional development
Brevard Leadership Academy General Leadership: An introduction to district leadership roles for instructional and non-instructional staff
Administrative Pipeline: An introduction to district leadership roles as well as preparation for the role of school leader - prioritizing decisions with in-basket exercises and simulations Brevard Leadership Academy
Admin 100 AP Academy Mentoring for Administrators Observations and Effective Feedback – Evaluation Training – Certification Leadership Pathway
ADMIN. 100 First and second year Assistant Principals Collaboration with Area Coordinators Experienced mentors Meetings 4-5 times a year
AP Academy All Assistant Principals (required) Simulations, cause-effect decision-making, professional readings, collaboration Meetings 3-4 times a year
Yearlong training for an 11 member team NAESP Sponsored Team supports first and second year principals Team is developing a District Certification Program for Principal Mentors National Certification for Principal Mentors
Required once every three years (calibration and recalibration) Whole day training for assistant principals; half day training for principals Facilitated by Cambridge Education and HR Staff Skill development for feedback conferences Observations and Effective Feedback
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” John Maxwell