Team members: Block: 2A Elijah K (Team Leader) Jasmine C Christian D Armina R Angelina V Trey W OTTW Water Quality Presentation!
Problem The problem of this experiment is to test and compare water quality in creek, pond, bottled, and tap water.
Background Knowledge (Research) All living things need water to survive. Water is known as the universal solvent because it is able to dissolve many substances.These substances may be necessary for living things or could be harmful. Harmful substances include nitrates and phosphates. Nitrates are used to gain protein but too many nitrates can cause low dissolved oxygen levels.Phosphates are used for animals and plants to grow, but, once again, too many causes low dissolved oxygen levels.
Hypothesis If we test the bottled water for nitrates then there will not be a lot of nitrates because it's clean and purified water.
Experiment The independent variable was the type of water tested The dependant variable was the water quality parameters (pH, phosphates, nitrates, dissolved oxygen and temperature) The constants were the amount of water tested, the water tested, and the testing tube There was no control
Procedure This is the procedure for nitrates: 1.We filled test tube to 5 mL of bottled water 2.Added 1 nitrate tablet 3.Put cap on testing tube 4.We mixed by inverting 5.Waited for the color to appear 6.Found out the result of nitrate using the comparison chart 7.Then tested all the parameters the same way as we tested nitrates
Results Types Of Water Samples pHTemperature (degrees C) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) Bottled Water ℃ 5 ppm0.4 ppm3.7 ppm Tap Water ℃ 5 ppm2 ppm4 ppm Stream Water ℃ 5 ppm0.75 ppm3.8 ppm Pond Water ℃ 5 ppm1.4 ppm4.2 ppm
Water Parameter Graphs: Dissolved Oxygen Water Samples
Water Parameter Graphs: Phosphates
Water Parameter Graphs: Nitrates
Water Parameter Graphs: pH
Water Samples Water Parameter Graphs: Temperature
The water samples tested were bottled, tap, creek/stream, and pond water Our hypothesis was accurate that if we tested the amount of nitrates in bottled water there won't be too many due to it being purified water We would rather drink bottled water because after looking at the acceptable parameter levels, bottled water has the closest to all of them. We think this because the water has already been cleaned and purified. If the water quality is bad enough, people would probably do something about it. We didn't test all the parameters and could have tested salinity and presence of organisms. Testing these parameters would be good for the water and things in the water because we would know more of how bad the water really is. Conclusion
Conclusion Continued... The temperature has no big difference probably because all the water was in the same room while we tested it so the temperature might have changed
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