Resonance – Contents: Concept of resonance Damped Motion Film Demos
Resonance - Dynamics x = x o sin( t) TOC = Show Large mass/Small mass on spring (large mass oscillates slower) Drive spring with different frequencies
Show Mass on spring with rangefinder – 300 seconds What shape is the envelope? A – Over damped B – Critically damped C – Under damped
A – Over damped B – Critically damped C – Under damped Q factors: 0.5 – critically damped 50+ – mass on a spring Roughly how many cycles it will go before it stops
Show Resonance Film (Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse) Demos Resonance Boxes Glass Wiggler in room On door post outside Railing Sing into a guitar/Piano Washboards on roads Swings big and small Beaker of Water Bay of Fundy Car slowing down Garbage disposal NMR Speaker Design The universe