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Webinar For The State of Indiana Road Salt Bid Winter Season Jessica Robertson, Director of Strategic Sourcing Kurt Novotny, Vendor Manager Nicole Kenney, Strategic Sourcing Analyst
AGENDA Key Benefits Background Information Frequently Asked Questions Bid Timeline Resources
KEY BENEFITS Leverage state-wide purchasing power Lower costs to keep roads safe in inclement weather Reduced administrative costs for local units of government
BACKGROUND 2009/2010 Winter Season: First State-Wide Road Salt Bid –Treated and Untreated Road Salt Products –80% – 120% Quantity Commitment Range (tonnage) –Participating locals saved $8.7 M 2009 pricing
ONEINDIANA.NET Go to and log in with your username and password from top right hand corner of the page Problems with login
ONEINDIANA.NET From the main page, click BID REQUESTS Then Click RESPOND Then, click green RESPOND button next to Road Salt 2010/2011
ONEINDIANA.NET You will see the following at the top of your screen –Name –Description –Type: Commitment –Close Date: April 9, 2010 –View FAQ Scroll down to enter your NAME and PHONE Enter in any COMMENTS you wish to tell us about your response
ONEINDIANA.NET Below the comments box, click the ARROW to expand and see the line items –TREATED SALT –UNTREATED SALT Click the PENCIL to add information to the item you wish to purchase
ONEINDIANA.NET Enter in the following information: –Last Price Paid: $65.00 –Last Supplier Used: Cargill –County: Hamilton –INDOT: Greenfield Click Attachment if you don’t know your INDOT district –Purchasing Name: Julie Smith –Purchasing Phone: –Purchasing –Billing Address: 111 Main Street, Fishers, IN –Delivery Name: Tim Johnson –Delivery Phone: –Delivery Then click NEXT to enter your tonnage and delivery information
ONEINDIANA.NET Click the ATTACHMENTS for more information on what to enter in the delivery fields or for the general road salt specifications Enter information in all boxes, then click ADD DELIVERY NEED –If you have multiple delivery locations, enter tons needed for each location separately. Once you have entered in all delivery locations with tonnage needed, click FINISH
ONEINDIANA.NET This is a good example of delivery notes that could be submitted. –Delivery Method: dumped, conveyed, or both. If your entity needs the initial delivery conveyed and all other deliveries dumped, then you would enter BOTH in this field. Once you have populated the fields, click ADD DELIVERY NEED
ONEINDIANA.NET After you click FINISH when entering a line item, it will take you back to the main page. Scroll to the bottom to review your responses you have entered; click the pencil to go back to make changes Click “Save” if you need to save and come back in to finish later –You must click SUBMIT on or before April 9 th to be included in the bid this year Click SUBMIT to commit your tonnage to the state’s bid –You will receive a confirmation almost immediately after you click SUBMIT – ASAP if you do NOT get this confirmation after clicking submit
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I entered in my line items, clicked ADD DELIVERY NEED, clicked FINISH, and it took me back to the first page. Did you get my response? –No, you still need to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom right corner on the main page. Before you click SUBMIT, scroll to the bottom of that page, click the arrow to expand the line items. –It should now say “responded” in the line items that you entered in information. You can also click the PENCIL again to make more changes. –You will receive a confirmation in your inbox almost immediately after you click SUBMIT.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I clicked SUBMIT, got my response confirmation , and then the State ed me that I had entered information incorrectly –You most likely entered your response in the comments box on the main page and did not complete the line item information needed. –You MUST go back into your response, correct the information needed, and click SUMBIT again before APRIL 9 TH –Reply to the you received from once it has been completed
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the price of the road salt? –Tonnage from all locals participating is collected from March 22 nd – April 9 th. Then, we will release the bid by the end of April for the vendors to bid on the State of Indiana’s (including participating locals) road salt business. –Once we receive the bids, the price per ton will be determined and entities are required to purchase 80% of the tons committed. Entities may purchase up to 120% of the tons committed.
BID TIMELINE DATEACTIVITY DESCRIPTION March 22 nd - April 9 th (3 weeks) Local units of government commit their volumes via web based tool Week of April 26 th State releases road salt bid to vendor community Week of May 17 th Road salt bid closes (bids due from vendors) Week of May 31 st (or earlier)State awards road salt contract
RESOURCES IDOA Road Salt Website: IDOA Road Salt Contact us via phone Nicole Kenney Jessica Robertson Kurt Novotny