The six tribes of the Iroquois League: 1. Seneca 2. Cayuga 3. Onondaga 4. Oneida 5. Mohawk 6. Tuscarora
Tribes sent 50 representatives to the Great Council- All Men Great Council made decisions for the Iroquois League as a whole Older women of the tribes chose and could remove the representatives
Thick forests provided wood for building and fires
Animals such as deer, bear, elk, and beaver for food and their skins and furs for clothing
Lakes, rivers, and streams for water, fish, and transportation
Fertile soil for growing crops such as corn, beans, and squash
Shelter used for housing up to 12 families Could be up to 150 feet long Contained shared cooking fires Made of young trees and elm bark Could be up to 150 longhouses in a village
Deep connection to the animals, trees, and other resources that helped their family Wampum was highly valued and used for gifts, as comfort for someone, to tell a story of an event, or as an invitation
50,000 Iroquois today 50 members still make up the Great Council Mohawk members have become skilled builders of skyscrapers- known as high-iron men