Raising Kingdom Families Lesson 9
Wisdom Integrity Faith Resiliency Purity Service Instilling Kingdom Virtues
Resiliency Resiliency is the ability to get on the front end of life's challenges by cultivating strengths to face them when they first appear. These challenges often come with no warning. They also come at the worst possible time. They are noisy, annoying, and always seem way too long.
These trials are necessary in order to develop the spiritual maturity that will allow them to live the abundant life. They need to learn how to grieve, particularly when they experience losses in life. They also need to learn how to forgive and be flexible in the face of unexpected change. They need to learn how to grow from their mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Resiliency
One of the worst things a parent can do in raising a child is to shield him or her from every struggle, especially early on when the consequences and depth of those struggles are limited. Far too often, as parents we want to relieve our children of pain, so we overlook prime teaching opportunities by failing to confront them. Resiliency
Trials Have A Purpose Actually there are at least three purposes for trials found in God's Word. To test our faith - I Peter 1:6,7 To increase our tenacity- James 1:3 To grow us spiritually - Romans 8:29 God understands that the process of our trials is just as important as the result.
Trials Have A Purpose One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the wisdom to understand the sovereignty of God and what trials are all about. Remember, parents, in helping your children to grow through their trials, God may be simultaneously growing you!
Wisdom Integrity Faith Resiliency Purity Service Instilling Kingdom Virtues
Purity When sex is casually misused, it creates cemented bonds that, when broken, leave lingering symptoms of insecurity, pain, abandonment, disrespect for both self and others, and increased neediness for another attachment—making personal relational boundaries less secure in future relationships as well.
Purity God’s teaching on the sacredness of sex and the essential nature of keeping the sexual relationship pure, reserved for two married people joined by a covenantal commitment, is nothing to take lightly. The bottom line is that marriage is God's only provision for safe sex. That is why it is so important to grasp the spiritual need for sexual purity.
Wisdom Integrity Faith Resiliency Purity Service Instilling Kingdom Virtues
Service ought to be a way of life—a service mindset in both you and your children because we were created to serve. The blessing of service is always meant to go through—not just to—someone in order to benefit others as well. Service
Service ought to be a way of life—a service mindset in both you and your children because we were created to serve. The blessing of service is always meant to go through—not just to—someone in order to benefit others as well. A non-serving believer cannot fully receive all God has in store for him. Service
Keep in mind that each of your children is called to serve “the purpose of God” in his or her life, not your purpose for them. Instead of telling them what you think they should be doing, help them to discover God’s calling of service on their lives.
Instill in your children a desire for greatness, but also instruct them that this is achieved through the virtue of service. In God’s kingdom, the way up the ladder is down. Mark 10:41-45 Service
Service vs. Business Doing something for someone else and then expecting them to do something for you in return is called business, not service. Service that is done with the right heart attitude is service that is done expecting nothing in return.
What is a Christ-like Servant? Someone who understands it is their responsibility to serve God and others Serving God involves: Church Others Sacrifice Time
What is a Godly Servant? Saved – They had a relationship to the Lord Surrendered – They were surrendered to the Lordship of Christ Served – They were committed to serve
What are the Marks of a Godly Servant? We need the humility of Jesus ( Phil. 2:8) We need the faith of Abraham (Gen. 15:6) We need the love of Mary ( Luke 10:39) We need the courage of Joshua ( Josh 1:9) We need the commitment of Joseph ( Gen. 50:20) We need the discipline of Nehemiah (Neh. 4:21) We need the sacrifice of Paul (Rom. 12:1)