Back to School Night! Welcome!
First Grade Team Mrs. Lisa Bealer Miss Adrienne Henry Mrs. Leah Saltzer Miss Lori Scheib
Schedule Morning Routine: unpack, 100 book challenge, lunch choice, journal Language Arts: word study, literacy centers, being a writer Tier Time (starting October) Recess/Lunch Language Arts: guided reading, handwriting Math – Every Day Math Specials- schedule came home Social Studies/Science
Miscellaneous Birthdays – no food treats, recognized in class and over the announcements; invitation policy Snacks – healthy choices, no peanut/nut products Lunch- envelope with your child’s name on it Dress for the Weather – we will go out when it is cold!
Home/School Communication Weekly Newsletter- through Homework folder Library Books – daily Behavior Cards Parent Conferences Website
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Respect yourself and others Use kind words Follow directions Hands and feet to yourself Do your BEST! Rules apply to special area classes, too!
Homework Daily Reading (100 Book Challenge) minutes-record on calendar Everyday math HW recorded on calendar Word Sort Word cards with sentences Empty and Check Folder
Behavior Green Yellow Orange Red Green= Great Behavior Yellow= Warning Orange= Continued to make a bad choice. Documentation. Red = Severe bad choice. Documentation. Behavior will be recorded on Skyward this year. All Card Changes will be documented with a letter sent to parents for follow up discussions at home.
RTI –(Tier Time) Assessment Driven Group students to work on skills needed Progress monitoring Reading teachers support the process Flexible Groups
In Everyday Mathematics you can expect to see: A problem solving approach based on everyday situations An instructional approach that revisits concepts regularly (“spiral”) Frequent practice of basic skills, often through games Lessons based on activities and discussion, not a textbook Mathematical content that goes beyond basic arithmetic (Information gathered from ‘Home Connection Handbook’, Everyday Mathematics, Grades 1-3) Everyday Math
Please keep in mind that students should be able to complete the Home Link based on that day’s lesson. Assist where needed and make sure to return the next day. We will be keeping track of homework on Skyward, so not returning HW will be documented and be reflected on the report card. DAILY Return HOME LINKS BOOK DAILY!
Language Arts Journal writing Being a Writer program Word study Guided reading groups Literacy Centers Daily 3 – independent reading
Strategies for Helping Your Child Read 1. Stop & Think What word would make sense? 2. Check for Picture Clues Check if letters match the picture you found. 3. Skip it – Read on What would make sense? Check letters for match. 4. Sound it Out Check letters. Blend the sounds. Does it make sense? 5. Ask for
Science Units Animals (Field Trip) Plants Butterflies Weather
Social Studies Units Community Government Map Skills Beginning US and PA history
Volunteers & Chaperones Classroom Volunteer Zoo Trip District Policy - Child Abuse & Criminal Record clearances required Questions ?? Contact Kathy Snyder in the office at (610) if you are unsure of your clearance status or for a volunteer packet.
Let’s Have a Great Year!