What is the ACT? It’s a standardized test given by schools/colleges on the same day and same time across the nation. It’s designed to predict your academic success in college. The score range is between a 1 and a 36.
What is the ACT? The score you earn determines admission to many colleges. The minimum needed to be admitted at BCTC or UK is now 19. For universities like Bellarmine or Transy, it’s a 24. Some specific programs at colleges require a certain score for admission. For example, at Georgetown College, you will not be admitted into their education program unless you have an ACT score of 23. Many schools will grant you scholarship money is you can earn a 26 or higher.
I’m not going to college, so why does this matter? At some point, you’ll probably take a standardized test for a job promotion, military, etc. The skills needed to succeed on the ACT will roll over into any other area.
What is the structure of the test? It is multiple choice, with an optional writing portion. (Extra fees are charged if you take the writing portion.) Answers will be recorded in a scantron sheet with a pencil. The test is made up of four sections: English (language/grammar based), reading (inference skills, main idea, cause/effect type questions), science and math. Calculators may be used on the math test. Each test is has a time limit and no extended time may be granted.
How can I be the most successful? Be familiar with what the test will look like before you ever take it. Practice tests will be done in class, and the ACT website has practice tests and questions of the day available FOR FREE. Study Island also has an ACT test practice section. The questions there have been approved the ACT and align with the real test. KNOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR THE TEST BEFORE YOU EVEN COME INTO THE TEST ROOM. Since these tests are timed, not having to read the direction can save you 2-3 minutes.
Tips for Answering Questions Due to the time limits, skim and scan the reading passages, especially on the English test. Many ACT questions are on redundancy. If an idea is repeated, look for the answer options that avoid redundancy. Trust your instincts. If an answer sounds wrong to you, more than likely it is. Look for what sounds the most correct if you can’t remember the grammar rule for it. Have a watch our on your desk and keep track of your time to pace yourself. If you run short on time, it’s okay to guess. You aren’t penalized for incorrect answers on the ACT test.