The First Amendment An open exchange of ideas, religion, speech, assembly, press, and petition, is the hallmark of a free society
Freedom of Religion Safegaurded in 2 ways 1. principle of church and state *prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion 2. Americans may practice religion as one wishes *government can not favor one religion over another or treat people differently because of their religion
Freedom of Speech Guarantees Americans the right to say in public or private what is on their mind without fear of punishment
Limiting Free Speech does not permit speech that is harmful to others **slander- saying something about someone else that is not true to harm their reputation **can be punishable Can not endanger government **treason- giving away of government secrets to enemies
Extending Free Speech As defined by the Supreme Court, speech also includes art, music, and clothing, etc (any expression of self-expression). Thought by many as freedom of expression
Freedom of the Press Guarantees any expression in communications (newspaper, magazines, tv, radio, internet) Limited in many ways just like speech **libel- “printing” lies about others Protects not only publishing, but reading of materials **no book banning
Freedom of Assembly Right to assemble in groups (parades, celebrations, rallies, meetings, etc.) as long as it is peaceful Government can make rules about when and where assembly may be held but not banning of them Protection to belong to clubs, unions, and organizations
Right to Petition A formal request to government with signature Right to express ideas to government Officials are not obligated to act on the petition
Limits to these Freedoms Does not allow one to break the law Does not allow practices that are unlawful (human sacrifices) Not intended to allow Americans to do whatever they want Unlimited freedoms are not possible in a society of many Rights of one must balance against the rights of others