Caring For Yourself In The Face Of Compassion Fatigue
What are some of the commonly faced “hazards” and causes of stress in our job? Constantly dealing with the emotionally fragile. Regularly dealing with people who are angry / guilty. Occasionally dealing with pain that cannot be managed. Occasionally dealing with symptoms that are tough, even “ugly”.
Occasionally dealing with people who are victims / depressants / we don’t like. Constantly facing anticipatory grief. Constantly dealing with a system which can be burdensome and “constipated”. Constantly facing having more than one family in crisis. Constantly dealing with dying, death and letting go of the family.
WARNING SIGNS Physical Symptoms Headaches, back and neck pain, indigestion, diarrhoea, rashes, infections. Disturbed sleep, irritability, tiredness, fatigue, low energy. Depression, sadness, loss of interest. Poor concentration, withdrawal, self doubt, blaming others, negativity, difficulty in decision making.
Unhealthy Stress Reaction Too much / Prolonged Stress Arousal Performance falls short Relaxation rest should occur Push Harder Self defeating struggle Further arousal causes breakdown
HUMAN FUNCTION CURVE Intended performance Fatigue Exhaustion Actual Performance Ill health P Healthy Tension Breakdown Arousal The point at which minimal arousal may bring on a breakdown Performance
HOW CAN WE CARE FOR OURSELVES? BE SELFISH!! Take time for yourself each day. Decide what is….Negotiable…Non Negotiable. Learn ‘distancing’ techniques. DREAM!! Set Goals………Realistic……….Affordable. Follow Goals.
HOW CAN WE CARE FOR OURSELVES? Cont. Decide where you are going to spend your energy. Focus!! Set Priorities. Learn relaxation skills…breathing, music, massage, exercise etc, hobbies, meditation. Form networks, spend time caring for members ie not all professional input. Spend time caring for members. Organise/ Manage time. Set limits that are reasonable. Time and Motion principles. Don’t put down / put away. Finish one job before starting another. Back load. Handle paper once.
HOW CAN WE CARE FOR OURSELVES? Cont. Positive self talk (Penalise negative self talk). Talk about feelings and issues. Read / Study / Stretch the mind!! Write poetry / draw. Engage in different activities eg nurses/gardening. DO something about it!!! BE SELFISH!!!
Benefits of staying stressed! Stress gives you a permanent chemical high. It helps you seem important. Stress helps maintain personal distance and avoids intimacy. It helps you avoid success. You can maintain a “poor me” image. It justifies being tough on people.
How to stay stressed at all times!! Don’t exercise. Stay overweight and eat anything you want. Drink plenty of coffee and coke. Be a perfectionist. Don’t call your friends….avoid whenever possible. Be serious, lose your humour.
How to stay stressed at all times cont. Set impossibly high standards. Be a workaholic. Take all criticism personally. Deep up the negative self talk. Never meditate or relax. Let events, people and time over run your life.
10 Commandments for Reducing Stress Though shalt not be perfect, not even try to be. Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people. Thou shalt leave things undone that ought to be done. Thou shalt not spread thyself too thin. Thou shalt learn to say “no”.
10 Commandments for Reducing Stress Thou shalt schedule time for thyself, and thy supportive network. Thou shalt switch off, and do nothing regularly. Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant and unattractive at times. Thou shalt not even feel guilty! Especially, thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy, but be thy best friend.
If you can’t put aside a little time now for some recreation and exercise………. Make sure you put aside a lot of time later for illness.
If we continue to give without self caring, we will become empty vessels and be of no use to anyone.