SOLARIMMERSION An Intelligent Solar Power Diversion Manager
Your Cheapest power is your FREE PV Generated Power. Use it!
With OR Without
Use your FREE power percent of FREE solar generated power has generally been sold by a homeowner to the grid at approximately 7c/kWh
Only to be later bought back by that same homeowner at approximately 28c/kWh during peak demand periods.
SolarImmersion The modern well insulated hot water cylinder, can in effect, be used like a massive ‘battery’.
SolarImmersion The SolarImmersion unit allows for a ‘virtual disconnect’ of the hot water cylinder (the biggest user of power in a house) from the grid and will preferentially divert even small amounts of surplus to the cylinder.
How it Works
Multiple Loads Once the water has reached the required temperature, the unit can then be set to preferentially divert surplus to a second nominated load such as underfloor heating or storage heaters.
Only sell what you CAN’T use After utilising as much of your FREE POWER as possible…..... anything that might be leftover can then be sold back to the grid.