Chapter 2 The Tools of Sociology Key Terms
hypothesis A statement that specifies a relationship between two or more variables that can be tested through empirical observation. variable A characteristic of an individual, group, or society that can vary from one case to another.
dependent variable The variable that a hypothesis seeks to explain. independent variable A variable that the researcher believes causes a change in another variable (i.e., the dependent variable).
participant observation A form of observation in which the researcher participates to some degree in the lives of the people being observed. unobtrusive measures Observational techniques that measure behavior but intrude as little as possible into actual social settings.
controlled experiment An experimental situation in which the researcher manipulates an independent variable in order to observe and measure changes in a dependent variable. experimental group In an experiment, the subjects who are exposed to a change in the independent variable.
control group In an experiment, the subjects who do not experience a change in the independent variable. field experiment An experimental situation in which the researcher observes and studies subjects in their natural setting.
Hawthorne effect The unintended effect that results from the attention given to subjects in an experimental situation. sample survey A survey administered to a selection of respondents drawn from a specific population.
sample A set of respondents selected from a specific population. closed question A question that requires the respondent to choose among a predetermined set of answers.
open question A question that does not require the respondent to choose from a predetermined set of answers; instead, the respondent may answer in his or her own words. privacy The right of a respondent to define when and on what terms his or her actions may be revealed to the general public.
confidentiality The promise that the information provided to a researcher by a respondent will not appear in any way that can be traced to that respondent. informed consent The right of respondents to be informed of the purpose for which the information they supply will be used and to judge the degree of personal risk involved in answering.
frequency distribution A classification of data that describes how many observations fall within each category of a variable. percent analysis A mathematical operation that transforms an absolute number into a proportion as a part of 100.
correlation A specific relationship between two variables. theory A set of interrelated concepts that seeks to explain the causes of an observable phenomenon.
theoretical perspective A set of interrelated theories that offer explanations for important aspects of social behavior.