1 Homework for Wednesday 26 th September Plan for Rise of Nazis essay Remember 4 main reasons: 1.Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic 2.Economic Problems 3.Appeal of the Nazis 4.Lack of Political Opposition
2 Homework for Wednesday 26 th September Plan for Rise of Nazis essay KU followed by analysis Use short phrases, e.g. in Weaknesses of Weimar section – “Stab in the back”, “Constitutional Problems”, “Law and Order”
3 Homework for Wednesday 26 th September Plan for Rise of Nazis essay Remember, analysis should be explaining why each KU point led to a rise of the Nazis. Use notes and Rise of Nazis handout to help ESSAY DATE – Monday 1 st October
4 When did Britain become democratic?
5 Was Britain a democracy in 1900? NO! Women and poorer men could not vote. Plural voting still existed – eg. vote twice if at university. Constituencies were not equal. MPs were not paid – MPs were mostly upper class. Unelected House of Lords had power to block elected House of Commons.
6 Was Britain a democracy in 1914? NO! Women and poorer men still could not vote. Plural voting still existed. Constituencies were still not equal. Unelected House of Lords.
7 Was Britain a democracy in 1918? NO! Women were only allowed to vote at 30+, men at 21+. Plural voting still existed. Unelected House of Lords.
8 Was Britain a democracy in 1928? Mainly YES! Nearly all the requirements had been fulfilled for a democracy. Men and women could vote. Equal voting (just about). Fair elections and representative government/MPs. BUT plural voting still existed – ended Voting age was lowered to 18 in Not a Proportional Representation voting system – FPTP still used today.