National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC1 The Dutch ICF Electronic tool for following the ICF in applications (statistics,surveys, records) Drs Huib Ten Napel WHO FIC CC & MI University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC2 Presentation overview What is A and what is P in ICF? (why) Objectives (what) Approach (how) –message elements –user group –ICF Response Centre –terminological analysis –integration of scales in ICF Discussion
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC3 What is A and what is P in ICF? Confusion about the D component No clear distinction between A and P –stipulation of definitions? Lot of explaining needed –concepts and coding rules Uniform code assignment for qualifiers? –performance and capacity? In connection herewith: Compliance of terms with ICF –questionnaires, records and surveys
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC4 Objectives Integration of term references to questionnaires in Dutch ICF –collection of relevant terms & q/s –promotion of univocal terms in, and increasing the development of new & Creation of a clear distinction between A & P –based on information from daily practice (expressions) –develop CEN-EN1828 type definitions to check reliability
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC5 Approach Structured collection of data –expressions on A or P with codes –from records, surveys & questionnaires –electronic processing ICF Response Centre Structured by code –database Structured by content –message format –electronic & paper based
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC6 Message elements Scheme: name of scheme Version: number of version Code: number of code of origin Class: name of class of origin Assigned Code: Number of code with number of qualifiers Assigned class name: your specific term for the assigned code, if available Description of functioning in context:Explicit description of functioning as A or P in context Concept from questionnaire?: Yes or No answer Name questionnaire: full name of questionnaire and abbreviation Reference: reference for questionnaire
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC7 User group Who do we want to comment? –controlled group –interested parties –invited on personal title –experts Requires –criteria to be formulated –equipment tools,electronic or paper based
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC8 The ICF Response Centre
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC9 Thank you for your feedback
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC10 Terminological analysis Analysis of submitted terms codes? –using MMT method experience in French CCAM development –modelling of class concept diagram using UML Are A & P distinct concepts? –what defines A explicitly? –what defines P explicitly? –can the A & P list be reconstructed and the items separated? –sensible or not?
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC11 Integration of listst in ICF Collection of ICF related tools –Integration of the scales on class level in ICF –Reduction of ‘wild developments’
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC12 Discussion? The Dutch CC uses this approach to A & P on a national level Possible extension to other ICF components later on Application on an International level? Interested CC’s?
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC13 Thank you for your attention