QUESTIONNAIRES List of a research or survey questions asked to respondents, and designed to extract specific information. A tool for collecting information to describe, compare, or explain an event or situation, as well as, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and/or socio demographic characteristics on a particular target group
PURPOSES OF QUESTIONNAIRES (1) Collect The Appropriate Data. (2) Make Data Comparable and Amenable to Analysis. (3) Minimize Bias in Formulating and Asking Question. (4) To Make Questions Engaging and Varied
QUESTIONNAIRE GENERAL FORMAT Self-administered (by mail or personal contact) In person (face-to-face) Telephone interviews
QUESTIONS CONTEXT Identify the questionnaire’s specific purpose(s) Clarify the terms used to state the questionnaire’s purpose(s) Be sure to have the specific objectives of the questionnaire Know the respondents
QUESTIONS CONTEXT Standardize the interviewer Standardize the response format Ask questions in a social, cultural, and economic context Keep confidentiality and voluntary participation Include a letter of introduction or presentation
Steps in preparation of questionnaires Define the topics with details of information needed to answer research question Prepare a list of variables Think ahead about analyzing the information and statistics to be used. Prepare first draft Revise. Change technical terms. Use short sentences
Pre-test to find out how respondents understand the questions Further sorting out of words and phrases. If possible, do a large pre-test. Administer the questionnaire
QUESTIONS FORMAT Open questions - Questions in which the respondent answers in his own words and more information but difficult to codify, enter, and analyze
Closed questions (or Fixed Alternative) - less information but easy to codify, enter, and analyze Question in which respondent selects one or more options from pre-determined set of responses – Simple Closed ended question with only two response alternatives – Multiple Choice Closed ended question with more than two response alternatives QUESTIONS FORMAT
MEASURING ATTITUDE There are two possible formats: The Likert Type ( 7- points format): Strongly agree; agree; undecided; disagree; strongly disagree. Forced Choice (4 - points format): Strongly agree; agree; disagree; strongly disagree
DIFFICULTY TO AVOID Long complex questions Double-barreled questions Leading questions Double negatives Terminology or abbreviations Words with double meanings Emotionally unfair questions
ADMINISTERING THE QUESTIONNAIRE Objective is to gather information without error or bias Have standardized interview procedure from one subject to another Probing procedure should be uniform Interviewers should have prior training for a uniform approach Gestures and body language should be given particular attention
QUESTIONNAIRE LAYOUT Keep questionnaire short if possible, but not too short that you sacrifice needed information Do not over crowd questionnaire Provide decent margin space Use multiple- grid layout for questions with similar responses Use good quality print paper. Use booklet form if possible Carefully craft the questionnaire title: 1.Captures respondent’s interest. 2.Shows importance of the study. 3.Shows interesting nature of the study