1 A Christian Aid primary assembly for the Commonwealth Games Wealth in common?
2 Christian Aid / Kathleen Prior
3 Christian Aid / Hannah Morley
4 Christian Aid/Hugo Palotto
5 Christian Aid / Sarah Filbey
7 Christian Aid
8 The 53 countries in the Commonwealth include some of the world's largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries. 2.2 billion citizens make up the Commonwealth, and 60% of these are under the age of 30.
9 Common values? Source:
10 Common values?
11 Wealth in Common? ‘All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their belongings and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.’ Acts 2:44-45
12 Inequality in India Source: Google maps.
13 Homli Bai is 10 years old. Christian Aid / Sarah Filbey
14 Just 85 people own the same wealth as 3.5 billion poorest.