The Brain and the Nervous System True or False
The left hemisphere plays a dominant role in language
TRUE The left hemisphere is the side of the brain that contributes the most to human language
True or False The midbrain consists of the tectum and the tegmentum
TRUE The midbrain contains the tectum which includes structures involved in vision and hearing, and the tegmentum which is involved in movement
True or False The hindbrain is involved in higher order processes such as decision making
FALSE The forebrain is involved in higher order processes The hindbrain is involved in basic survival functions such as heart beats and breathing
True or False The occipital lobe plays a dominant role in vision
TRUE The occipital lobe is specialised for vision
True or False The pons is the lowest point of the hindbrain
FALSE The medulla is the lowest point of the hindbrain The pons is located above the medulla
True or False The peripheral nervous system consists of all the bodies neurons except those in the brain and spinal cord
TRUE The peripheral nervous system connects the various body parts to the central nervous system The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord
True or False The right hemisphere of the brain makes no contribution to language
FALSE The left hemisphere plays the main role in language but the right hemisphere also makes a small contribution to our language
True or False The somatic nervous system is in charge of all automatic responses
FALSE The somatic nervous system is in charge of all voluntary responses The autonomic nervous system is in charge of all involuntary responses
True or False A human can survive if the medulla is destroyed (but with severely impaired functioning)
FALSE The medulla is in charge of vital functions such as heart beat and breathing, therefore if it is destroyed survival is impossible
True or False The amygdala is involved in the fear response
TRUE The amygdala is involved in emotional processes, especially fear
True or False The hypothalamus is a switchboard for sending information to other structures in the brain
FALSE The hypothalamus helps regulate many behaviours such as eating and sleeping. It maintains our internal balances The thalamus is a switchboard for sending information to the appropriate regions of the brain
True or False The parietal lobes are associated with hearing and language
FALSE The parietal lobes are involved with touch and movement in the environment The temporal lobes are involved in hearing and language
True or False The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body
TRUE The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body
True or False A person with damage to Wernicke’s areas can speak fluently but they do not make sense
TRUE Damage to Wernicke’s area does not affect the ability to speak with expression but does impair the ability to join logical sequences of words together