Presentation topics: What is an electronic database? What is a subscription database? How subscription databases are different than the “free” Web. How to choose a database. How to evaluate full text articles found in subscription databases. How to cite articles found in subscription databases.
What is an electronic database? A database is a collection of individual records that consists of individual fields. A field in a database contains information about the item being described.
What is a subscription database? Libraries pay a yearly subscription fee in order to access a database. Most information in subscription databases have a print equivalent. The Internet is the most common way for delivery of databases from a vendor to a library.
Article record
Subscription databases vs. the free Web? QUALITY
Types of databases Periodical Databases Specialty Databases
How do you choose a database? By topic or subject Type of material Years indexed
subjects covered dates covered types of material included types of indexing used Know your databases
Mission College Library databases
Databases page
Citing database articles: MLA style Wicks-Lim, Jeannette. “Measuring the Full Impact of Minimum and Living Wage Laws.” Dollars & Sense May 2006: 13. Wolf, Reva. “Homer Simpson as Outsider Artist, or How I Learned to Accept Ambivalence (Maybe).” Art Journal 65.3 (2006): Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 10 April eLibrary. Web. 6 Sept Print.
Citing database articles: NoodleTools
Evaluating database articles - scholarly
Scholarly article evaluation Authority – The authors of this article have authority because they are experts in their field – one is a doctorial candidate at the School of Communications at Ohio State University, another has a MA from the same program, and the third is a professor at the Department of Strategic Communication in the College of Media and Communication at Temple University. Accuracy – This article has a references so the information can be checked for accuracy Content – I read the abstract and this article is a recent report on a study of self-deprecation humor by minority groups and the results predict when such humor will be accepted. This is appropriate because my research is about the acceptability of self-deprecating humor.
In this presentation you learned: The definition of an electronic database The definition of a subscription database How subscription databases are different from the “free” Web How to choose a database How to cite articles found in subscription databases How to evaluate full text articles found in subscription databases.