Theory (Language Learning, Psychology, Behavior) Method Total Physical Response Technique (classroom) Four Corners Technique Method Communicative Method Technique Surveys
Grammar- Translation Direct Method Natural Approach Audio-lingual Method Total Physical Response
Audio- Lingual Grammar- translation Communicative Method TPR
Watch video How would you describe the Total Physical Response method? Tell a partner what you saw.
Inductive learning Kinesthetic Approach (Learn by Doing) “Muscle Memory” Emphasis on real language use Focuses on Aural (not production) Dr. James Asher Communicative
TPR – there is a relation between language and physical movement Kinesthetic memory- “We learn language items most successfully if we associate them with physical movements.”
How did you learn to tie your shoes? Ride a bike? Drive a car? What kind of memory is this? MUSCLE MEMORY
Doing an action with new grammar or vocabulary will help you to remember and retain it for longer and understand it better.
Ss have better focus and attention.
The Simplest TPR activities Commands: “Stand up” What else? “Touch something blue.” “Put the pen next to the notebook.” “Draw a ball next to the chair.” What are some commands for starting your class?
In front of ON 4 PREPOSITIONS behind Next to
Student B
TPR for big classes What could you do with ALL your students near their desks? Put the pencil on the desk.(commands) Stand up, turn around Draw in the air Draw on your neighbor(letter, word, sentence) Ss can also guess what they have drawn One SS draws in the air and they have to write
Draw on your Partner’s back CAT CHAIR TABLE BOOKS LAMP WINDOW
Act out a daily routine Turn off the alarm clock. Wake up. Get out of bed. Take a shower. Eat breakfast. Drink coffee. Brush your teeth. Put on your schoolbag. Run to the bus stop. Get on the bus.
“talking with your feet” Line Jumping (Y/N)– Categories(veg, fruit) Abby’s Adjective Degree Chart Put spots on floor(always, etc.) My Opinion game(should) Agree, Disagree – What else? What else?
Mangoes are a fruit. YESNO
Four Corners(OPINION)