DANE COUNTY ZONING OVERVIEW “Town-County Relationship As Related to County Zoning Authority” Presented on August 18, 2004 at the Pyle Center for The Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee This segment presented by Peter Conrad, Zoning Administrator, Dane County Department of Planning and Development
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 2 OUTLINE I.ZONING OVERVIEW - What is a zoning ordinance II.SUMMARY OF ZONING ACTIONS I.Zoning Permit II.Certificate of Compliance III.Rezones & Ordinance Amendments IV.Conditional Use Permit (CUP) V.Variance V.PROCESS FOR REZONES, ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS & CUPs I.Amendment Process II.CUP Process VI.QUESTIONS & COMMENTS
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 3 ZONING What is a zoning ordinance? Local laws governing the use of land. A zoning ordinance is one instrument with which a land use plan is implemented. Enforced by citation, fines, stop work order, legal action, etc. Consists of mapped districts and a list of permitted, prohibited and conditional uses for each district. Identifies differing setbacks, lot size, etc. for each district.
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 4 ZONING (cont.) A zoning ordinance is comprised of two parts: 1) a map, and 2) text. The map assigns every parcel within a jurisdiction to a zoning district. The text articulates the permitted and conditional land uses in each zoning district and how structures associated with those uses may be situated on a parcel (e.g. setbacks from lot lines, lot coverage, etc.). There are four general classes of districts: (1) Agriculture; (2) Residential; (3) Commercial; and, (4) Industrial. Dane County’s zoning jurisdiction is only within the unincorporated portions of the county. Dane County and the towns share zoning authority and are partners in the zoning approval process.
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August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 7 1.ZONING PERMIT -- Approved by Zoning Administrator 2.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – Issued by the Zoning Administrator 3.REZONES & ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS -- Approved by Town, ZLR, County Boards & County Executive –Map Amendment (Rezone) –Text Amendment 4.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) -- Approved by ZLR 5.VARIANCE -- Approved by Board of Adjustment Zoning in Dane County: Summary of Zoning Actions
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 8 SUMMARY OF ZONING ACTIONS: REZONES & ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS A rezone petition is a request to make a change to the zoning ordinance text or zoning map, for example: –Create a new permitted use in the commercial zoning district. –Change from the A-1 Agriculture (Exclusive) District to the RH-1 Rural Homes District for new residential development. Petitions to rezone are initiated by: the property owner; Town Board; county zoning agency; or County Board member. Approval is required by the respective Town Board, the ZLR, the County Board, and the County Executive. ZLR will not act without Town action.
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 9 SUMMARY OF TOWN ACTIONS ON REZONES & ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS The Town, or Towns in the case of a text amendment, file(s) a Town Board action report with the ZLR Committee. If the Town, or a majority of Towns, disapprove(s) of the amendment, the ZLR can only recommend denial to the County Board. The ZLR Committee almost always follows the Town Board action on rezones, including conditioning a rezoning. If the rezone or ordinance amendment is amended in any way, including adding conditions requested by the Town, or modifying the proposed text, the Town, or majority of Towns, has another 40 days to deny the rezone or ordinance amendment after the final County approval.
August 18, 2004Presentation to Dane County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee Page 10 SUMMARY OF ZONING ACTIONS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) A CUP is a use that may be allowed in a particular zoning district provided certain standards are met, for example: –A quarry in the A-1 Exclusive zoning district. As with a rezone, conditions may be applied to the approval of the CUP to ensure these standards are met. Towns play an advisory role in the approval of a CUP. Formal approval of the CUP begins and ends at the ZLR level. Similar to rezones, the ZLR almost always follows the Town action, including conditions of approval.
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QUESTIONS & COMMENTS Dane County Planning and Development Department Room 116, City-County Building Madison, WI Phone Numbers: Zoning Division: (608) Land Division Review Officer: (608) Property Records Clerk: (608) Planning Division: (608) Fax: (608) Website: