Chapter 12 Alcohol Lesson 1 Why Alcohol is Harmful Next >> Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 12 Assessment Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation. Next >>
Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions depressants A drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains alcohol Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions depressants Click to reveal the definitions. alternatives Other ways of thinking or acting
In this lesson, you will learn to explain why some teens drink alcohol. state reasons not to drink alcohol. identify alternatives to drinking alcohol.
Organizing Information Make a diagram entitled What Teens Should Know About Alcohol. Draw spokes from the heading. Under each, note one of the facts from this lesson.
What Is Alcohol? Ethanol alcohol is produced by a chemical reaction called fermentation. alcohol A drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains There are many types of alcohol. Some are used to kill germs. Others are used in medicines, cleaners, and fuels. The kind of alcohol we are talking about here is a beverage.
What Is Alcohol? Alcohol is a drug. Drugs affect the brain and central nervous system. Drugs cause changes in behavior.
Alcohol belongs to a group of drugs known as depressants. What Is Alcohol? Alcohol belongs to a group of drugs known as depressants. depressants Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions When using alcohol, some people become relaxed and friendly. Others become depressed and angry.
What Is Alcohol? Alcohol causes mood changes. Alcohol affects the ability to make good decisions. Alcohol causes many people to do and say things they regret.
Risks of Alcohol Use to Teens Alcohol Use and Teens Alcohol increases the risk of depression, suicide, and thoughts of violence. Alcohol interferes with long- and short-term growth. Alcohol harms the brain’s ability to learn, causing teens to fall behind in school. Risks of Alcohol Use to Teens Teens who drink risk getting into trouble with the law. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to use alcohol. If you are caught buying alcohol, you could be arrested, fined, or sent to a youth detention center. One third of all teen traffic deaths are related to alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of social problems.
Why Some Teens Drink Alcohol What Teens Say What Teens Should Know “Drinking will help me forget about my problems.” The problems will still be there when the effects of alcohol wear off. “I’ll look more grown-up with a drink in my hand.” You won’t look mature getting in trouble for illegal underage drinking. “Movies make drinking look cool.” Filmmakers want you to spend money to see their movies.
Why Some Teens Drink Alcohol What Teens Say What Teens Should Know “My friends keep pressuring me to try alcohol.” Real friends won’t pressure you do to something that you don’t want to do. “I’m stressed out about school. A drink will help me relax.” Alcohol interferes with sleep and performance in school and other activities, creating more stress.
Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol You are taking health risks when you drink alcohol. Using alcohol is against the law for teens. Choosing not to drink alcohol shows that you understand how risky drinking can be. The Centers for Disease Control Prevention’s most recent report reveals that the majority of teens do not drink. This shows that most teens realize that alcohol has negative effects on their health. You want to make decisions that help you become a strong person. If you don’t use alcohol, you will be better able to handle the challenges of everyday life.
Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol Alcohol is one of the biggest factors in teen traffic deaths.
Alternatives to Drinking Alcohol Teens who avoid alcohol may want to explore alternatives to drinking. alternative Other ways of thinking and acting
Alternatives to Drinking Alcohol Alternatives to drinking alcohol include: Sports Challenging your body Being part of a team Learning a new skill Discovering a new talent Pursuing interests in theater or the arts
Alternatives to Drinking Alcohol Becoming an advocate gives you a chance to make a difference in the lives of others. Examples of Advocacy Groups Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Teens Against Tobacco Use (T.A.T.U.) Youth for Environmental Sanity
What I Learned Vocabulary Define alcohol, and use it in a sentence. Lesson 1 Review What I Learned Vocabulary Define alcohol, and use it in a sentence. Alcohol is a drug produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Sentences will vary but should correctly use the term alcohol.
What I Learned State What are three reasons to not drink alcohol. Lesson 1 Review What I Learned State What are three reasons to not drink alcohol. Alcohol harms health, is against the law for teens, and can lead to addiction.
Lesson 1 Review What I Learned Explain What are two reasons teens give for using alcohol? Any two: slows body functions and reactions, harms growth, harms the brain's ability to learn and remember, disrupts sleep, increases risk of stroke, causes injuries and deaths in accidents, may lead to addiction, increases risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies
Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Evaluate How can positive alternatives help a teen avoid using alcohol? Answers will vary but should identify and explain the dangers of alcohol.
Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Apply You are at an amusement park with several friends. When it is time to leave, a friend’s brother offers to give you a ride. You believe you smell alcohol on his breath. What should you do and why? Sample answer: I should find another way home, because my friend’s brother has been drinking and riding with him would not be safe.
Chapter 12 Alcohol End of Lesson 1 Why Alcohol is Harmful Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 12 Assessment