Tool for ex-ante estimation of forestry CERs – "TARAM" & LAC Climate Change Team Tool for ex-ante estimation of forestry CERs – "TARAM" February 06, 2008 Lucio Pedroni & Sebastian Scholz
How many tonnes of C sequestered will my project deliver? TARAM has the answer! Objective: facilitate application of approved AR methodologies
TARAM – Main Features Excel-based tool – linked spreadsheets Links to outside resources, e.g. AR meths Internal links for further information e.g. IPCC GPG – LULUCF Color coded cells - “yellow” is important Color coded spreadsheets
Selection of applicable AR methodology Species BLS1 - BLS6 SM1 - SM6 Strata AR-Plan Pre-AR Blexa Aexa Distance LK CERs Financial Chart IPCC tables USDA density table Selection of applicable AR methodology Parameter values for all tree and woody species in baseline and project scenario 6 worksheets for different baseline strata 6 worksheets for different stand models Estimated volume of tCERs or lCERs Overlay of baseline strata and stand models Optional: financial analysis of the activity Amount of ha per stratum to be afforested / reforested each year Chart shows removals and associated flow of CERs Applies only in situations with pre-project AR activities in the baseline IPCC GPG-LULUCF default values Estimated ex ante baseline GHG removals Wood densities of tropical tree species Estimated ex ante actual GHG removals Distances to and from the AR sites – input for leakage estimation Calculation of the project’s leakage
= $ So far, foresters have been concerned about the trunk volume. This good, because data about this key variable for estimating forest carbon should be available almost everywhere...
Key Variables BEF = Biomass Expansion Factor D = Wood Density j j = Species dependent D = Wood Density V = Trunk volume , t t = Time dependent R = Root to Shoot Ratio Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) = V*BEF*D Below-ground Biomass = ABG*R About half of the biomass is Carbon
Volume / Age Relationship Volume / age relationship represented by cumulative growth curve (CGC) - sigmoid for trees - Juvenile phase (youth) - accelerating rate of growth Full vigor phase - constant rate of growth Senescent phase - decelerating rate of growth
Cumulative Growth Curve m3 ha-1 Cumulative growth curve Decelerating rate of growth Fast, constant rate of growth Accelerating rate of growth Time
Forest Stand Management Cumulative growth curve m3 ha-1 Standing Volume Time
Increment / Age Relationship Current annual increment (CAI): increment over one year at any stage in the tree's history Mean Annual Increment (MAI): mean annual increment over the whole period from origin to a specific age
Cumulative growth curve = Total production m3 ha-1 Cumulative growth curve = Total production Standing Volume Time m3 ha-1 yr-1 Current Annual Increment Mean Annual Increment Time
Method 2 Method 1 Standing Volume Current Annual Increment m3 ha-1 Stand volume Thinning and harvest volume Time m3 ha-1 yr-1 Method 1 Current Annual Increment CAI Thinning and harvest volume Time
Download TARAM from Bio CF’s website: Thank you! Download TARAM from Bio CF’s website: