3/9/ “If you stop making fun of me, I promise to stop making fun of you Bullying Prevention Prevention Lynne Mayo
3/9/ WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is unfair and one-sided It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose “I’ve told them a million times – I can’t stand being teased! So why do they keep on doing it to me?”
3/9/ How is Bullying Distinguished from Normal Peer Conflict? Implies an imbalance in power or strength Repeated over time Intentional harm Includes physical aggression, verbal insults, the spreading of malicious rumors or gossip, and threats of exclusion from the peer group
3/9/ Prevalence of Bullying Many children try out bullying in third or fourth grade Data shows that there is an increase in bullying in these grades, as children become aware of their position and status in the social group (Craig & Pepler, 1995) This is a good time to teach children about issues of power
3/9/ Prevalence of Bullying Many children try out bullying in third or fourth grade Data shows that there is an increase in bullying in these grades, as children become aware of their position and status in the social group (Craig & Pepler, 1995) This is a good time to teach children about issues of power
3/9/ “All I did was call him names!”
3/9/ IMPACT OF THE PROBLEM Far-reaching implications for children’s emotional well-being and general school safety Research around the world over the past two decades have added significantly to our knowledge base regarding harmful consequences: low self esteem; high depression There is a clear negative impact on the development of both children who are the targets of bullying and those who bully others
3/9/ Effects of Bullying on School Climate Effects of Bullying on School Climate Interferes with student learning Creates a climate of fear and disrespect Students may perceive a lack of control and caring
3/9/ What Are Schools Doing To Address Bullying? Nothing Reporting – tracking Zero tolerance (student exclusion) Group treatment for bullies Self-esteem enhancement for bullies Peer mediation and conflict resolution Curricular approaches
3/9/ What Works in Bullying Prevention and Intervention? What is required to reduce bullying in schools is a change in the school climate and in norms for behavior. A comprehensive, school-wide effort involving the entire school community.
3/9/ School-Based Prevention Program? Why a School-Based Prevention Program? There is evidence that school-based prevention programs can have a positive impact on this difficult problem In keeping with a prevention focus, children need opportunities to practice problem-solving and emotion management skills
3/9/ GOALS OF A BULLYING PREVENTION PROGRAM Reduce existing bully/victim problems among school children Improve peer relations Improve school climate “Hey! Some nutjob is giving away information for victims of teasing and bullying”
3/9/ Bullying Program Elements: For School-Wide Action Training for all school personnel Formation of a Bullying/Prevention Coordinating Committee Administration of bully/victim survey Teacher Discussion Groups
3/9/ School-Wide Elements (continued) Involve parents Appropriate use of positive and negative consequences Improving supervision A program “kick-off” for students
3/9/ “One more remark about my hair, and you’ll be eating it for dessert!”
3/9/ TRUE OR FALSE? ? The vast majority of children who are bullied tell a teacher or other member of the school staff
3/9/ Reporting of Victimization Many children do not report bullying to school staff Older students and boys are less likely than younger students and girls to report their victimization Students don’t believe adults will respond effectively to bullying (Charach, et al, 1995); consequently rarely report it (O’Moore, Kirkham & Smith, 1997)
3/9/ ANTI-BULLYING RULES ANTI-BULLYING RULES We do not bully other students We help students who are bullied We include students who are left out We tell an adult at school and an adult at home when someone is being bullied
3/9/ “ The psychologists teach that telling is not the same as tattling.” I’ve stopped tattling on bullies and now I’m only telling on them.”
3/9/ CLASSROOM-LEVEL ACTIVITY Pro-social training/empathy development Incorporation of bullying themes across the curriculum (language arts, social studies, art, etc.) Consistent application of reinforcement for pro-social behavior
What is bullying? Bullying is unfair and one-sided It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose 3/9/
How does bullying differ from normal peer conflict? Implies an imbalance in power or strength Repeated over time Intentional harm Includes physical aggression, verbal insults, the spreading of malicious rumors or gossip, and threats of exclusion from the peer group 3/9/
What is the prevalence of bullying? Many children try out bullying in third or fourth grade Data shows that there is an increase in bullying in these grades, as children become aware of their position and status in the social group (Craig & Pepler, 1995) This is a good time to teach children about issues of power 3/9/
What is the impact of the problem? Far-reaching implications for children’s emotional well- being and general school safety Research around the world over the past two decades have added significantly to our knowledge base regarding harmful consequences: low self esteem; high depression There is a clear negative impact on the development of both children who are the targets of bullying and those who bully others 3/9/
What Works in Bullying Prevention and Intervention? What is required to reduce bullying in schools is a change in the school climate and in norms for behavior. A comprehensive, school-wide effort involving the entire school community. 3/9/