Decline of the Republic Rise of an Empire
Decline of the Republic Farmers Debts Effect of Hannibal’s invasion Sold farms to rich Unemployment Farmers move to cities for work Join poor class
continue Two Brothers Attempt to Reform— Tiberius Gracchus (GRAH-kus) Limit large estates give land to farmers Gaius (GY-us) Gracchus Give grain to poor Social and Political Disorder Division between rich and poor Slave revolts Fear of slaves (thousands) Spartacus 73 B.C Extend citizenship to slaves in order to stop revolts.
What happened to Tiberius & Gaius? Tiberius killed (Senate) Gaius was unable to maintain order killed (Senate) The deaths of Gracchus brothers left more political and social unrest….
Cicero (106 B.C. – 43 B.C.) Never emperor very influential; senate until his death Urged for peace Tried to restore a traditional gov’t Widely popular, but also unsuccessful
The 1 st Triumvirate Julius Caesar Pompey Crassus
Rome: Pax Romana - Decline Hated each other (kept each other close). Hated by the Senate They also hated the senate Caesar was the favorite of the three Crassus and Pompey were jealous—Caesar takes advantage of this and wants full control of Rome.
Crassus is killed in war One down, one to go Civil War breaks out and Caesar defeats Pompey Caesar is the only one left
“Beware of the Ides of March” Caesar is going to the senate He is assassinated Stabbed as he is going into the building “Et tu Brutus” March 15, 44 B.C. End of the 1 st Triumvirate
Assassination of Julius Caesar
The 2 nd Triumvirate Marc Antony Octavian (nephew of Caesar) Lepidus
Second Triumvirate Unite to defeat Caesar’s murderers Octavian defeats Antony and becomes ruler of Rome
The Roman Empire is divided between the three Antony took the east Octavian took the west Lepidus took North Africa
Octavian wants it all Convinces Lepidus to retire Antony has a love affair with Cleopatra Commits suicide when he hears rumors that Cleopatra had killed herself Octavian has complete control of the Roman Empire, but there is still a division between east and west. Octavian changes his name to Caesar Augustus Beginning of the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome)
Pax Romana 200 years of Roman Peace Lasts from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius
Achievements of Pax Romana Order Governors and officials settled disputes Commoners could hold gov. posts Prosperity Built road, improved harbors, trade flourished Wealth time period Unity 50 million unite under Roman rule and law Latin learned by many One system of weights, measurements, and laws