Poetry How many lines does a sonnet have?
Poetry Free Verse… Has no meter rhymes Has 7 lines Has 14 lines
Poetry End Rhyme Schemes Rhyme words at the end of the lines Rhyme words at the end of the lines Repetition of words that sound the same but don’t rhyme exactly Repetition of words that sound the same but don’t rhyme exactly Rhyme words in the line Similarity in spelling between two words pronounced differently Similarity in spelling between two words pronounced differently
Poetry A meter is an ordered pattern of rhyme. true false
Poetry Rhyme scheme is a pattern of rhyme. true false
Julius CeasarJulius Ceasar How was Brutus’ actions toward how to die different the Cassius’? Brutus was honorable and noble; Cassius was a coward. Brutus was honorable and noble; Cassius was a coward. Brutus ran in fear. There was no difference Cassius stood and took it like a king. Cassius stood and took it like a king.
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who said, “So call the field to rest.” Octavious brutus Lucilius cassius
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who was Caesar’s wife? Calpurnia Portia pin
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar All are conspirators against Caesar except… octavious cassius trebenious casca
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar What is the translation of, “Et tu, Brute?” You too brutus? Goodbye brutus I love brutus Why brutus
To kill a mockingbird What do you learn about the Ewells in Chapter 3? They are white trash They are respected people Nothing, they aren’t in this chapter Nothing, they aren’t in this chapter They are black
To kill a mockingbird Who does atticus think killed Bob? jem Boo scout sheriff
To kill a mockingbird Who really killed Bob? Boo The sheriff Scout Jem
To kill a mockingbird Why did Tom visit the Ewell’s house In the first place? Mayella asked him to come fix the door Mayella asked him to come fix the door To see Mayella none Bob asked him for help
To kill a mockingbird Who is Calpurnia? The Finches cook and house cleaner The Finches cook and house cleaner Scout’s mom none Atticus’ sister
Anthem It is a sin for man to take notice of woman but not for woman to take notice of men. false true
anthem Liberty told equality that his eyes stood out to her. true false
anthem What does equality discover? electricity A sandwich candles toilet
anthem What is the unspeakable word? I I me we god
1984 Who is the main character? Winston Smith julia Big brother O’brien
1984 Telescreens were meant to monitor all the movements. true false
1984 What ministry is Winston part of? Ministry of truth Ministry of love Ministry of plenty Ministry of peace
1984 Julia was Winston’s secret lover. true false
1984 Winston had an olsar on his knee. false true
Vocab. What is a synonym for granular? grainy nurried To foretell devastation
Vocab. Hideous ugly random annoying grainy
Vocab. Drastic harsh questionable To slip away To shrink
Vocab. Chivalry honor outward Flesh-eating To limit
Vocab. Defile To dirty The climax To cope defective
grammer What is the misplaced modifier: The retriever swam to his master on shore with a duck in his mouth. With a duck in his mouth The retrievers none To his master
Grammer What is the dangling modifier: Cheered by a taste of success, his next play had a happy ending. Cheered by a taste of success His next play none Had a happy ending
Grammer Deer both singular plural
Grammer Gives singular plural both
Grammer The couch and draperies____. match matches none matched
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