Warriors were sometimes Militia War chiefs had the most armor They had no mercy!
“Kohaw” was their helmet Cotton, stuffed with rocks (Body Armor). Spanish showed them metal armor
“Atlatl” is a short spear Spears had a metal head Made from obsidian and chert. Shield's were made of heavy wood Used club, knifes, bow and arrow
Fought between tribes Mostly for land Survivors would be slaves Many die in war
fifty-five kilometer between enemies people in wars “Halach Uinic” responsible calling troops Project missiles at long range
“Ah Chuy Kak” war god Know as fire destroyer Worship him to victory
Revenge A conqueror rises up Cruel leader Mostly for land
Place of war Had a grave Tribe captured Colha Colha is a Mayan city Invasion to take weapons and supplies
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"Maya Warfare." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Mar Web. 20 Mar "Maya Warfare." Authentic Maya. Authentic Maya, 28 Jan Web. 20 Mar “Maya Weapons and Warfare." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation. Web. 20 Mar "List of Maya Gods And Supernatural Beings." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 Sept Web. 20 Mar "Clothing And Weapons." Maya War and Warfare. Tripod. Web. 20 Mar