MAN OR WOMAN? As much man as woman filled in this survey
AGE? Most of the interviewees were between 15 and 18 Social media are more popular with young people
WHAT IS YOUR NATIONALITY? 46% who filled in the survey were swedish
ARE YOU ACTIVE ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SOCIAL MEDIA? first place: instagram second place: snapchat third place: facebook
WHY ARE YOU ACTIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Reason for having social media: mainly because it’s popular? They also want to keep in touch with old school friends
DO YOU THINK (YOUR) SOCIAL MEDIA IS SAFE? Only 8% thinks that social media is very safe The other think that it’s safe enough
ARE YOU ACTIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITH POSTS, PHOTOS,…? The interviewees are weekly active ons social media with posts 5% have social media but are not active with posts
DO YOU KNOW ALL OF YOUR DIGITAL FRIENDS/ FOLLOWERS? We can see that half of the people on social media don’t know there followers/friends
WHO KNOWS YOUR PASSWORD? 84% of the people don’t give their password to other people
HOW FREQUENTLY DO YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD? Half of the interviewees never change their password
HAVE YOU ALREADY MADE NEW FRIENDS BY USING SOCIAL MEDIA? Social media is very popular to meet new friends You can see that people spend a lot of time on social media
WHO DO YOU ADD AS A FRIEND/FOLLOWER? A lot of people add their friends in real life 14% of the people add celebrities
DID YOU ALREADY CHANGE YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS? Half of the people change their privacy settings Only 7% don’t know how to change it
WHICH DEVICE DO YOU USE TO GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA? A lot of people have a smartphone You can see that a smartphone is more used for social media than a computer
SOCIAL MEDIA FOR SCHOOL/ A DAY There are 51% who use social media also for school In general people use social media between 0 and 1 hour a day
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A VICTIM OF CYBER-BULLYING? Only 8 participants have already been a victim of cyber-bullying
ABUSES 38% of them are aware of the possible abuses In cases of abuse: contact the administrator of the social media, like file a complaint Other: try to solve it themselves
13 OR YOUNGER? 65 % of the users (a large amount) think that children under the age of 13 shouldn’t have social media
IMPACT? The fact is that most people think social media has a very large impact on society, here 81%
THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! Comenius meeting Italy 2014