Newborns need to eat as much as they want and as often as they want. In the first few weeks of life that may be up to 6-8 times or more in 24 hours. A newborn’s stomach can only hold a small amount At 12 pounds the baby can sleep through the night and will not need a feeding.
True or False: It is alright to feed a baby cow's milk before they are one year old? FALSE! The milk is hard to digest and has minerals their kidneys cannot process. Never heat a bottle in the microwave because it can create hot spots. Throw away left over formula because disease causing bacteria can grow quickly in leftover formula.
Burp the baby twice! Once during the feeding and once when the feeding is over. Allows baby to expel any swallowed along with the liquid
Around the age of 6 months you can introduce solid foods. First start with either rice cereal or oatmeal Dilute it with breast milk or formula to make it runny. Introduce a food for about 4 days then start a new food. This lets you know if the baby has any food allergies Never put cereal in a bottle!
Next introduce baby foods. 1 st vegetables 2 nd meats 3 rd fruits 4 th desserts
At eight or 10 months when they can sit by themselves they can start eating with their fingers.