An Immigration Policy In Action Case Study: the USA
The USA Probably the most well known country in the world! What do YOU know about it? Write down as many things as possible.
Immigration Write down as many words/terms you associate with: Classify each of your words as either positive or negative in relation to immigration Which was the most, positive or negative? Why?
By the end of the lesson… ALL of you will be able to NAME one country that has an immigration policy. MOST of you will be able to IDENTIFY at least one benefit and one cost of immigration. SOME of you will be able to EXPLAIN an immigration policy using your skills of deconstruction and reconstruction.
Should they stay or should they go? You decide. Read through the migration policy source sheet and use the information to decide if the people referred to in the case studies below should be allowed to migrate to the USA. David and Clare David and Clare are a married couple from Australia. David is a secondary ICT teacher (these are in short supply in the USA) and Clare is a physiotherapist. David is 29, Clare is 28. They have no children. Using the Source sheet answer the following questions: What benefits and costs to US society do Clare and David present? Do you allow them to enter? Explain your reasons Why/why not? Imran and Lubna are from Afghanistan. They have two children aged 6 and 7. They live in a small town in Helmand province. Helmand province is currently in the middle of an active war zone between allied troops (US/UK/others) and a group of people called the Taliban. Imran is a qualified doctor but his hospital has been destroyed in the war. Lubna has also been told she must stay indoors during the daytime and when she does go out she must be covered from head to toe. The families home has been blown up by allied bombs and they no longer have anywhere to live. Using the Source sheet answer the following questions: What benefits and costs to US society do Imran and Lubna present? Do you allow them to enter? Explain your reasons Why/why not?
Quick Fire Questions (write the answers on your whiteboard) State on e advantage of immigration What does the term refugee mean? What is the annual limit of permanent immigration visas issued each year? What year did the USA pass the immigration act? Which country do the majority of the USA’s illegal immigrants com from? State one disadvantage of immigration
An immigration policy in action: the USA (current policy)Asylum seekers and refugees to the USA The problem of illegal immigrantsAdvantages / disadvantages of immigration for USA An Immigration Policy In Action – The USA Use the migration policy source sheet to complete your factfile
By the end of the lesson… ALL of you will be able to NAME one country that has an immigration policy. MOST of you will be able to IDENTIFY at least one benefit and one cost of immigration. SOME of you will be able to EXPLAIN an immigration policy using your skills of deconstruction and reconstruction.
Immigration Dominoes START The estimated number of ILLEGAL immigrants living in the USA (1) A visa The year that the US government passed The Immigration Act (9) 1990 The estimated percentage of foreign born US residents (8) 12 Million Anyone who wants to migrate to the USA has to obtain one of these (3) 12.4% The number of refugees the US government has agreed to accept each year (2) To attract skilled foreign workers The number of US PhD scientists who were born abroad (5) An advantage of immigration (10) Wages are forced down The LEDC that the USA shares a land border with (15) 40% A disadvantage of immigration (12) An Immigrant The aim of the 1990 US Immigration Act (13) A third The name given to a person who moves into a country (11) Add more than $30 billion to the US economy The number of foreign born US residents that have thought to enter the country illegally (4) 1783 The type of visa issued to tourists and students (14) Live in their own communities and don’t integrate into broader American society and culture. FINISH (16) Mexico The year that the USA was founded (7) A non immigrant visa What many immigrants tend to do when they arrive in the USA (6)
Immigration Dominoes answer sequence= 1,3,9,8,2,10,4,11,13,5,12,15,7,14,6,16 START The estimated number of ILLEGAL immigrants living in the USA (1) A visa The year that the US government passed The Immigration Act (9) 1990 The estimated percentage of foreign born US residents (8) 12 Million Anyone who wants to migrate to the USA has to obtain one of these (3) 12.4% The number of refugees the US government has agreed to accept each year (2) To attract skilled foreign workers The number of US PhD scientists who were born abroad (5) An advantage of immigration (10) Wages are forced down The LEDC that the USA shares a land border with (15) 40% A disadvantage of immigration (12) An Immigrant The aim of the 1990 US Immigration Act (13) A third The name given to a person who moves into a country (11) Add more than $30 billion to the US economy The number of foreign born US residents that have thought to enter the country illegally (4) 1783 The type of visa issued to tourists and students (14) Live in their own communities and don’t integrate into broader American society and culture. FINISH (16) Mexico The year that the USA was founded (7) A non immigrant visa What many immigrants tend to do when they arrive in the USA (6)