INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Raquel M. Bennett – Medgar Evers College December 2, 2011 CUNY IT Conference 2011
EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS Technology is here to stay! Professionals of the 21st century think and act differently than those of previous centuries, due at least in part to the radically different tools they use to perform their jobs (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010).
ROLE OF ADMINISTRATION Adequate Budget Strategic Planning Funding Professional Development Continued Financial Support Executive Buy-in Student Buy-in Faculty Buy-in
IMPLEMENTATION Guided by faculty and executive administration Thoughtful, but not reactionary Studies on adult student retention should be conducted to fit the precise needs of an individual college or university rather than following a standardized method (Fincher, 2010)
ROLE OF IT Complimentary knowledge of pedagogy Requires new training for IT or different types of IT support Provide Support Faculty Students Hardware Software
ROLE OF FACULTY Acquire new and revise pedagogical knowledge Break the chain of using little technology to reinforce instruction Commit to staying current with technological trends Possible and probable with the financial support of executive administration.
ROLE OF STUDENTS Commit to staying current with technological trends This will be important for students entering changing workforce Inform professors about what is working and what is not
RETENTION Student Engagement Current Technologies Development of New Programs
REWARDS Faculty Greater student retention Avenue for degree development Academic rigor coupled with competitive and forward thinking programs Recognition among peers Modeling of life long learning Students Increased avenues of knowledge acquisition Competitive degrees Recognition among peers and employers Encourages life long learning