Michael Faden Technology Solution Professional - Datacenter 2012 R2
Decimal prefixBinary prefix Name (Symbol) Description Kilobyte (kB)10 3 Byte = Byte2 10 Byte = Byte Megabyte (MB)10 6 Byte = Byte2 20 Byte = Byte Gigabyte (GB)10 9 Byte = Byte2 30 Byte = Byte Terabyte (TB)10 12 Byte = Byte2 40 Byte = Byte Petabyte (PB)10 15 Byte = Byte2 50 Byte = Byte Exabyte (EB)10 18 Byte = Byte2 60 Byte = Byte Zettabyte (ZB)10 21 Byte = Byte2 70 Byte = Byte Yottabyte (YB)10 24 Byte = Byte2 80 Byte = Byte
ReFS File System Greater compatibility with SATA standards Resilience against power outage corruption Online corruption recovery Implements on-disk structures, such as the Master File Table, to represent files and directories. New Storage Capabilities with Resilient File System (ReFS) Scale to PetaByte+
Rapid recovery from file system corruption without affecting availability Resilient against power outage corruption Periodic checksum validation of file system metadata Improved data integrity protection Ideal for file server volumes NTFS improvements Rapid recovery from file system corruption without affecting availability Data corruption virtually eliminated through allocate-on-write Period checksum validation of file system meta-data Seamless data integrity protection CHKDSK Seconds to fix corrupted data No offline time when used with CSV Disk scanning process separated from repair process Online scanning with volume and offline repair CONTINUOUS APPLICATION AVAILABILITY Source: “Microsoft Internal Testing"
Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server ,000 IOPs1,000,000+ IOPs Industry Leading IO Performance VM storage performance on par with native Performance scales linearly with increase in virtual processors Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V can virtualize over 99% of the world’s SQL Server.
Performanc e Optimized Extreme Performance Greatest throughput, highest IOPS 1.45 Million IOPS 12GB/s Throughput
Virtualization of storage with Storage Pools and Storage Spaces Storage resilience and availability with commodity hardware Resiliency and data redundancy through n-way mirroring (clustered or unclustered) or parity mode (unclustered) Utilization optimized through thin and trim provisioning and enclosure awareness Integration with other Windows Server 2012 capabilities Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) and Serial AT Attachment (SATA) interconnects Windows Virtualized Storage Windows Application Server or File Server Physical or virtualized deployments Physical Storage (Shared) SAS or SATA Integrated with other Windows Server 2012 capabilities Storage Pool File Server Administration Console Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volume Failover ClusteringSMB Multichannel NFS Windows Storage Mgmt. NTFS SMB Direct Storage Space ENTERPRISE-CLASS FEATURES ON LESS EXPENSIVE HARDWARE
Mirror Space Parity Space Mirror Space
2-Way MIRROR SPACE STORAGE POOL SIMPLE SPACE Simple Space 2-Way Mirror Space 3-Way Mirror Space Parity SpaceDual Parity Space Number of data copies Parity3 + Parity Number of columns (default) # Disks# Disks / 2 # Disks Interleafe (default) 256KB PARITY SPACE
Storage Space Performance improvements to radically reduce MTTR Rebuild MetricMeasurement Data Rebuilt2,400 GB Time Taken49 min Rebuild Throughput> 800 MB/s 3TB HDDs, 2-way, 4-column Mirror Space Source: Internal Testing, No Foreground Activity
VHD Library Software Deployment Share General File Share User Home Folder (My Docs) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Average savings with Data Deduplication by workload type ENTERPRISE-CLASS FEATURES ON LESS EXPENSIVE HARDWARE Maximize capacity by removing duplicate data 2:1 with file shares, 20:1 with virtual storage Less data to back up, archive, and migrate Increased scale and performance Low CPU and memory impact Configurable compression schedule Transparent to primary server workload Improved reliability and integrity Redundant metadata and critical data Checksums and integrity checks Increase availability through redundancy Faster file download times with BranchCache Source: “Microsoft Internal Testing"
Cold Data Hot Data 400GB EMLC SAS SSD 4TB 7200RPM SAS HDD
Cold Data Hot Data 400GB EMLC SAS SSD 4TB 7200RPM SAS HDD
Balanced Mix of HDD & SSD High Capacity HDDs High Performance SSDs Best IOPS/$ OptionCapacityIOPSCost SSD Only (20) 16 TB1,000,000$60,000 Mixed (6 + 4) 21.2 TB200,900$14,100
Hyper-V Compute Nodes Cold Data Hot Data 400GB EMLC SAS SSD 4TB 7200RPM SAS HDD Reads/Writes Accumulates Data Activity
See under the “Storage Spaces” Category
Hyper-V Compute Nodes Mirror 768Gb/s Shared SAS Links 60-bay SAS Array 60-bay SAS Array 60-bay SAS Array 60-bay SAS Array Mirror Dual Parity SMB
Clustered Storage Spaces Physical or Virtualized Workloads Hyper-V Compute Nodes High Speed Network (10GbE/InfiniBand) Unified Namespace (CSV) 60-bay Shared SAS JBOD Arrays Clustered File Servers with 10GbE/InfiniBand 768Gbps Shared SAS Links SMB Mirro r …
SMB client SMB server File copy NIC File copy Automatic detection and use of multiple networkconnections between SMB client and server Helps server applications be resilient to networkfailure Transparent Failover with recovery of networkfailure if another connection is unavailable Improved throughput Bandwidth aggregation through NICTeaming Multiple nodes/CPUs for networkprocessing with RSS-capable networkadapters Automatic configuration with very littleadministrative overhead CONTINUOUS APPLICATION AVAILABILITY
File Client SMB Buffer File Server With RDMAWithout RDMA App Buffer SMB Buffer OS Buffer Driver Buffer SMB Buffer OS Buffer Driver Buffer App Buffer SMB Buffer rNIC* NIC Adapter Buffer NIC Adapter Buffer Adapter Buffer Adapter Buffer iWARP InfiniBand ENTERPRISE-CLASS FEATURES ON LESS EXPENSIVE HARDWARE Higher performance through offloading of network I/O processing onto network adapter High throughput with low latency and ability to take advantage of high- speed networks (such as InfiniBand and iWARP) Remote storage at the speed of direct storage Transfer rate of around 50 Gbs on a single NIC port Compatible with SMB Multichannel for load balancing and failover *Remote Direct Memory Access *e.g. Intel® NetEffect™ Server Cluster Adapter Family
Highly available, shared data store for SQL Server databases and Hyper-V workloads Increased flexibility, and easier provisioning and management Ability to take advantage of existing network infrastructure No application downtime for planned maintenance or unplanned failures with failover clustering Highly available scale-out file server Built-in encryption support File Server Cluster Cluster Shared Volumes Single File System Namespace SMB Single Logical Server \\Foo\Share RAID Array SAN Windows Virtualized Storage Physical Storage Storage Pool Storage Space ENTERPRISE-CLASS FEATURES ON LESS EXPENSIVE HARDWARE Hyper-V Cluster Microsoft SQL Server
Windows Server file server cluster \\foo1\share1\\foo2\share1 \\foo\share High-performance, continually availablefileshares for business critical applications Failover transparent to server applicationswith zero downtime and with only a smallI/O delay Support for planned moves, load balancing,operating system restart, unplannedfailures, and client redirection (scale-outonly) Resilient for file and directory operations All servers involved should have WindowsServer 2012 CONTINUOUS APPLICATION AVAILABILITY
Scale-out File Server SMB Direct Hyper-V VHD 50% improvement for small IO workloads Efficiency Increased efficiency and density of hosting workloads with small I/O’s such as OLTP database in a VM Optimizes 40Gbps Ethernet and 56Gbps InfiniBand Performance 50% improvement for small IO workloads with SMB over RDMA Increased 8KB IOPs from ~300K IOPS to ~450K IOPS per interface
SMB File Server 2 File Server 1 Storage Spaces \\SOFS\Share2 Share1Share2Share1Share2 CSV and SMB shares automatically rebalanced Improved network efficiency through drastically reducing redirection traffic
External Intelligent Storage Array Virtual Disk Token IMPROVED PERFORMANCE, MORE CHOICE Benefits Rapid virtual machine provisioning andmigration Faster transfers on large files Minimized latency Maximized array throughput Less CPU and network use Performance not limited by networkthroughput or server use Improved datacenter capacity and scale Offloaded Data Transfer (ODX) Token-based data transfer between intelligent storage arrays
Windows Server for NAS appliances thatare preconfigured and enterprise ready Ideal file-based storage solution that isfault tolerant, continuously available,scalable, and cost effective Workgroup and Standard editions Multiple vendors WorkgroupStandard NAS Segments Entry level 50 users Scale up Continuous availability Architecture/maximum memoryX64 – 32 GBX64 – 2 TB Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Yes CPU sockets/virtual machines Hardware RAIDYes Disks6, No external SASUnlimited iSCSI Software TargetYes File sharing (SMB/NFS)Yes Microsoft BitLockerYes Data DeduplicationNoYes Hyper-VNoYes BranchCache – Hosted CacheNoYes ClusteringNoYes DHCP, DNS, and WINSNoYes Active Directory DC, Certificate, Federation, Rights Management, Application Server, Network Policy, Terminal Services, WDS, Fax Server No IMPROVED PERFORMANCE, MORE CHOICE
Windows Cluster in a BoxODXSMB Direct Quanta Computer HP Wiwynn Violin Memory Dell EqualLogic IBM HP NetApp Fujitsu Intel LSI XyratexXio EMC Hitachi Fujitsu NEC Mellanox Intel Chelsio HA-DAS.com Windows Storage Server 2012 DELL XTORE MaXXan AREA Western Digital LACIE Unibrain CM Compellent Pyramid Thomas-Krenn.AG Broadberry Pivot 3 N-TEC AMAX ABERDEEN BOSCH Acma DNF Storageflex BUFFALO Variel WINCHESTER SYSTEM Fujitsu SIEMENS IBM HP NEC IMPROVED PERFORMANCE, MORE CHOICE
Certified Storage Spaces Hardware High-Performance Servers and Storage s/