Ecosystem of the Gulf Sturgeon Slides adapted from Kelly Cook DRL
Ecosystem of the Gulf Sturgeon Researcher Matt Balazik prepares to tag this sturgeon with an ultrasonic marker (NOAA)
Gulf Sturgeon Characteristics Anadromous – Lives in marine environment, spawns in freshwater Habitat – Organisms natural environment Niche – Function of an organism in its community Below and Right: Spawning grounds for Gulf Sturgeon (US Fish & Wildlife)
Energy Flow Solar Energy Primary Producers (phytoplankton) Nutrients (N, P, C, etc) Carnivores (zooplankton/fish) Decomposers (bacteria) Herbivores (zooplankton) Nutrients Energy Heat
Trophic Pyramid How efficient is eating? 10% of energy is transferred Everything else is lost as heat Relative Biomass (feeding)
Gulf Sturgeon Food Web Image courtesy NOAA Food Web – System of interdependent food chains
Climate Change Influence on Populations More frequent Algal Blooms/Red Tides Increasing major storms Warmer water Sea level rise Saltwater intrusion Red tide along Gulf Coast (NOAA) Sturgeon swimming to spawning ground (NOAA) Hurricane Isabel disrupts coastal habitats (NOAA)
Summary Gulf Sturgeon Characteristics Energy Flow Trophic Pyramid Gulf Sturgeon Food Web Gulf Sturgeon Characteristics Climate Change Influence on Populations Now…
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