D ay o f S c ho o l P r oj e ct Wednesday, February 1, 2013, will be the 100 th day of this school year. We are going to celebrate this day by making posters. The 100 th day of school will be celebrated on February 1, Directions: You must divide your poster into four equal squares. Your poster should include each of following and anything else you would like to add: Square 1: Write a three paragraph essay about what life will be like 100 years in the future (February 3, 2113) OR 100 years in the past (February 3, 1913.) Use your imagination. Be creative=) Square 2 and 3: Choose one of the following questions and write that question and your answer to the question in box two. Choose one of the following questions and write the question and answer in box three. You may draw a picture that goes with each question. You will lose points if you do not write in complete sentences! You may make up your own question. If you had one hundred dollars, what would you buy? Why? If you could live anywhere for one hundred days, where would you live? Why? What do you think a classroom was like one hundred years ago? How do you think life will be different one hundred years from now? Square 4: Create a Word Cloud containing 100 adjectives. I will show you how to create a Word Cloud in class. Websites you may use for creating your Word Cloud: Materials Needed: 1 poster board ( You may buy this at the Dollar Tree on Clearview next to Academy Sports or at Wal-Mart) **If you need to print pictures for this project, you may use the school computer. ** You may come to school dressed like you are 100 years old on this day. This is optional, but welcomed. Ideas: high socks, suspenders, ties, hats, etc. Be creative =)
4 squares completed10 Grammar10 Punctuation10 Adjective Word Cloud10 Followed directions10 Complete sentences10 Handwriting10 Creativity10 Turned in on time. ( 10 points will be deducted for each day that the project is turned in late.) 10 Class Presentation10 Total Points:100 Name: _________________________ Date: February 3, 2013