OAS Secretariat for Multidimensional Security CICTE Secretariat Disasters and Critical Infrastructure Protection
Agenda Cyber Security program – Cyber study and conclusions – Initiatives Emerging Threats program Maritime Security program Tourism Security Possible future initiatives Collaboration and partnerships
Increased and attacks to critical infrastructure facilities Honeypot attacks rampant Threats show that attackers are there, inside infrastructures During a disaster, this could be leveraged to create chaos Some findings
Crisis management exercises; focus on critical infrastructure and “cyber disasters” Initiatives: Cyber Security CMEs Includes financial sector, transportation, press, energy sector, etc. Carried out in Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, and Uruguay, Washington DC
Held in Colombia (2012); Argentina (2013); Mexico (2014) Goal 1: Strengthen understanding of managerial officials at critical infrastructures of threats and mitigation strategies Goal 2: Teach technicians and security engineers techniques to protection critical networks in the event of a national disaster Initiatives: Cyber Security CIP Workshops
Tabletop CM exercises (TTX): designed to promote preparedness for natural or man-made disasters Based on a bio-incident scenario which takes place at an airport. Three Stages. Debriefs include recommendations for strengthening CIP and resilience Partners: PAHO; Interpol; UN; US DHHS; FEMA; CDC TTXs for Ports: discuss vulnerabilities; responsibilities; Coordination: Who is in charge of what; up to when? Contingency planning, consequence management in six stages: Prevention, Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Recovery, Resilience (Israel) Emerging Threats/Maritime Security
Tourism as critical infrastructure: as much as 65% of GDP in Caribbean; 163 million tourists in the Americas in 2012; worth more than $200 billion; main pillar of economy in many Member States Requires that water and food supply, transportation, communications, health, and other infrastructures are operating to acceptable norms Declaration of San Salvador for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Americas (2011). Multidimensional approach to reduce risks associated with natural and man-made disasters Tourism
TTXs test crisis management capabilities in response to man-made or natural disasters that affect the tourism industry and associated infrastructures Important aspect of dealing with these disasters: crisis communication Partner closely with other orgs like PAHO, the Caribbean Disaster Management Agency (CDEMA) and private sector entities Tourism security - programming
1.Development of Disaster Recovery Management Plans: Focus on multi-stakeholder approach including Critical Infrastructure operators and responders to man-made and natural disasters 2.Technical assistance to list critical infrastructure assets to evaluate vulnerabilities, interdependencies and gaps, to prepare and implement risk-based security and resilience programs 3.Development of legislation specific to critical infrastructure protection 4.TTX in Bahamas 5.New Work Plan to be developed for cooperation with Israel Possible future initiatives
Thank you! Pablo Martinez Programs Coordinator Inter-American Committee against Terrorism Secretariat for Multidimensional Security 1889 F St., NW—8 th Floor Washington D.C. T: (202) F: (202) Organization of American States