C N H | K E Y C L U B Presented by: | Updated by: Policy, International Business & Elections Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 CNH Conclave Kimberly Barga, D05N Lt. Governor Vince Nguyen, D35W Lt. Governor
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | Establish venue w/ RA Make sure Region Advisor(s) will be present Service Agreement Forms ONE WEEK BEFORE EVENT (January 3, 2015) Collect literatures Ensure quota will be met ( majority of schools in division) Conduct Conclave The Role of The Lt. Governor
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | December 6, 2014 Highly recommended for all Lt. Governor Candidates Various locations around the district Registration on CNH Cyber Key FOR POTENTIAL CANDIDATES ONLY Candidates can refer to resources on CyberKey for Conclave Voting Rules & Procedures at Section 142 a-h in the District Policy Manual Candidate Training Conference
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | January 10, 2015 Lt. Governor is host In the case in which the Lt. Governor is running for a second term, the Region Advisor is deemed host Inform members of Elections Procedures and rules of Caucus at the beginning of Conclave Votes counted by Region Advisor Announced by Lt. Governor/Region Advisor Conclave Procedure
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | Introduce candidates One candidate is to be in the room The others are to wait out of the room Candidate will have set amount of time for his or her speech followed by a set time for his or her caucus session Lt. Governor is to determine set time amounts Elections Procedure
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | Any paid dues member is allowed to ask questions Lt. Governor(s) and other moderators will determine whether questions are appropriate If deemed inappropriate, candidate cannot answer it Caucus Procedure
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | In the case that there are more than two candidates running for the position of Lt. Governor, the Conclave must undergo Nominating Conference Here, the top two candidates who have received the most votes of those who underwent the first round of elections procedure will be moving on from Nominating Conference (Nom Con) The candidates will give speeches and undergo a second round of Caucus Nominating Conference
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | Two delegates from each club in attendance will be given the chance to vote for Lt. Governor candidates A delegate may only vote for ONE candidate In the case in which a nominating conference occurs, this rule also applies During this time, delegates are also given the chance to vote “no confidence” If more than half of the delegates choose this option, a Lt. Governor may be appointed Voting
Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District CNH | Votes will be counted by Region Advisor Results will be announced at the end of the Conclave Newly elected Lt. Governors will not begin their term until they are officially installed during District Convention. Conclave Conclusion
CNH | Training Topic: Event Planning CNH Key Club District D05N Lt. Governor Kimberly Barga D35W Lt. Governor Vince Nguyen Questions? Comments? Concerns